Results 1 - 2 of 2 for measurement (0.0018 seconds)
Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow [100.00% relevance]
results … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 62 Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow Taduesz … pp. 73-80 | atmosphere, radioactive components, measurement, tritium, 222Rn, 85Kr Measurement of atmospheric
article/item/7941.html - 13.15 kB
Thermal characterization of winters in the 20th century in Krakow [25.00% relevance]
in the 20th century in Krakow Based on Krakow's measurement series of air temperature in the 20th century an
article/item/7868.html - 13.98 kB