Results 1 - 5 of 5 for opportunities (0.0040 seconds)
Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks [100.00% relevance]
Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks In the long- … Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 4 Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks Vladimir Ira … , Visegrad Four countries, Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks, Vladimir Ira
article/item/12641.html - 14.77 kB
Travel preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia [100.00% relevance]
preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia The study … preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia Svetlana V. … preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia, Svetlana V
article/item/13147.html - 14.6 kB
Rural development, globalization and European regional policy: Perspectives from the DERREG project [33.33% relevance]
development in rural Europe, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This paper draws on research
article/item/8117.html - 13.92 kB
Emerging frontiers, challenges and changing professional avenues for geographers in the contemporary world [33.33% relevance]
. 2, pp. 203-212 | geography, global challenges, opportunities, future earth, IGU Emerging frontiers,
article/item/9449.html - 13.55 kB
Students in times of pandemic: Employment, living conditions, and health. Case studies from Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus [33.33% relevance]
students. The pandemic has largely limited such opportunities. Study objective: Determination of the scope in
article/item/12994.html - 16.6 kB