Results 1 - 6 of 6 for ownership (0.0040 seconds)
Spatially explicit changes in land ownership through 3 socio-political systems: A case study from southeast Poland [100.00% relevance]
Spatially explicit changes in land ownership through 3 socio-political systems: A case study … Poland Spatially explicit analysis of land ownership changes can provide a unique opportunity to … trace land ownership and determine spatial patterns of inheritance. … . 88, iss. 3 Spatially explicit changes in land ownership through 3 socio-political systems: A case study … River Basin Spatially explicit changes in land ownership through 3 socio-political systems: A case study
article/item/10071.html - 13.71 kB
Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession period. Inter-firm ties and control functions: The case of Poland [100.00% relevance]
(1989-2004) and describes the change in capital ownership links during the … Geographia Polonica (2021) … vol. 94, iss. 4 Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre … transformation, EU-accession, inter-firm links, ownership, city networks, decision-control functions
article/item/13142.html - 15.25 kB
Organizational restructuring and ownership transformation in Poland's inland shipping companies after 1990 [80.00% relevance]
Organizational restructuring and ownership transformation in Poland's inland shipping … article seeks to reconstruct organizational and ownership changes affecting Polish enterprises in inland … vol. 84, iss. 2 Organizational restructuring and ownership transformation in Poland's inland shipping … , Poland Organizational restructuring and ownership transformation in Poland's inland shipping
article/item/7208.html - 14.73 kB
Development and regional pattern of ownership forms and size o farms in the German Democratic Republic [60.00% relevance]
Development and regional pattern of ownership forms and size o farms in the German Democratic … ) vol. 16 Development and regional pattern of ownership forms and size o farms in the German Democratic … , pp. 5-16 | Development and regional pattern of ownership forms and size o farms in the German Democratic
article/item/8781.html - 13.57 kB
The stamps of the authority and ownership in cultural landscape [60.00% relevance]
The stamps of the authority and ownership in cultural landscape Cultural landscape can be … vol. 86, iss. 3 The stamps of the authority and ownership in cultural landscape Joanna Plit Geographia … , Poland The stamps of the authority and ownership in cultural landscape, Joanna Plit, Geographia
article/item/8912.html - 13.22 kB
The agricultural restructuring in Hungary 1990-2001 [20.00% relevance]
break--up of cooperatives and changes in farm ownership and organizational structures occurred
article/item/7750.html - 13.73 kB