Results 1 - 3 of 3 for parks (0.0015 seconds)
Protection and development in the national parks of England and Wales: the role of the physical environment [100.00% relevance]
Protection and development in the national parks of England and Wales: the role of the physical … of their land and water resourcesas National Parks. In … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 … Protection and development in the national parks of England and Wales: the role of the physical … 292 | Protection and development in the national parks of England and Wales: the role of the physical
article/item/8501.html - 13.89 kB
Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated in Central-Eastern European countries [100.00% relevance]
Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated … the … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 66 Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated … ) vol. 66, pp. 147-160 | Science and Technology Parks, technopoles, innovation centres, East-Central … Europe, high technology centres Science parks in Western Europe: can the model be replicated
article/item/7893.html - 13.27 kB
Resuscitating the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in downtown Johannesburg [25.00% relevance]
Johannesburg, urban regeneration, redevelopment, parks, housing, transport Resuscitating the African
article/item/11706.html - 15.04 kB