Results 1 - 3 of 3 for periodicity (0.0035 seconds)
Trends and periodicity in the longest instrumental rainfall series for the area of most extreme rainfall in the world, Northeast India [100.00% relevance]
Trends and periodicity in the longest instrumental rainfall series for … Polonica (2003) vol. 76, iss. 2 Trends and periodicity in the longest instrumental rainfall series for … 76, iss. 2, pp. 25-35 | monsoon rainfall, trend, periodicity, northeast India Trends and periodicity in the
article/item/3965.html - 13.86 kB
Regularities in the time series of mean daily temperature in Poland 1956-1990 [25.00% relevance]
were examined from the point of view of their periodicity. Classical spectrum estimation … Geographia
article/item/7813.html - 13.81 kB
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 [25.00% relevance]
, mean annual air temperature, variability, periodicity Variability of the Air Temperature in Central
article/item/7844.html - 13.73 kB