Results 1 - 13 of 13 for pollution (0.0044 seconds)
Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of Polish cities with a prediction until 2020 [100.00% relevance]
Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of Polish cities with a prediction until 2020 … Air pollution with particulate matter is a serious problem in … the fact that the issue of particulate air pollution concerns both big … Geographia Polonica (2019) … iss. 2 Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of Polish cities with a prediction until 2020 … , iss. 2, pp. 161-171 | particulate matter, air pollution, Poland, cities, prediction Variability of the … particulate matter air pollution of Polish cities with a prediction until 2020,
article/item/11742.html - 17.01 kB
Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas [66.67% relevance]
Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas New … ) vol. 85, iss. 2 Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas … ) vol. 85, iss. 2, pp. 25-38 | monitoring, air pollution, forests, remote areas, mountains, human health … , North America Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas,
article/item/7818.html - 14.81 kB
Environmental pollution and the health status of the population in Warsaw [66.67% relevance]
Environmental pollution and the health status of the population in … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Environmental pollution and the health status of the population in … 37-48 | Mortality, health status, environmental pollution Environmental pollution and the health status of
article/item/7908.html - 12.81 kB
Population, poverty, and pollution in Cubatäo, Säo Paulo [66.67% relevance]
Population, poverty, and pollution in Cubatäo, Säo Paulo The steel and … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Population, poverty, and pollution in Cubatäo, Säo Paulo Daniel Joseph Hogan … ) vol. 64, pp. 201-224 | population, poverty, pollution, deforestation, Cubatao Population, poverty, and … pollution in Cubatäo, Säo Paulo, Daniel Joseph Hogan,
article/item/7920.html - 13.21 kB
Mortality in Warsaw: is there any connection with weather and air pollution? [66.67% relevance]
: is there any connection with weather and air pollution? City inhabitants are becoming more and more … : is there any connection with weather and air pollution? Magdalena Kuchcik Geographia Polonica (2001) … 74, iss. 1, pp. 29-45 | mortality, weather, air pollution, Warsaw Mortality in Warsaw: is there any … connection with weather and air pollution?, Magdalena Kuchcik, Geographia Polonica (2001)
article/item/3001.html - 13.41 kB
Air pollution problems in Poland [50.00% relevance]
Air pollution problems in Poland Geographia Polonica (1989) … vol. 56 Air pollution problems in Poland F.w. Carter Geographia … Polonica (1989) vol. 56, pp. 155-178 | Air pollution problems in Poland, F.w. Carter, Geographia
article/item/8073.html - 13.25 kB
The effects of total water hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide levels on mortality in urban areas of England and Wales [33.33% relevance]
, and smoke particulate and sulphur dioxide air pollution, with premature adult mortality in … Geographia … -186 | Longitudinal Study, water hardness, air pollution, mortality The effects of total water hardness,
article/item/7918.html - 13.61 kB
How Covid-19 pandemic influenced air quality in Polish cities – lessons from three lockdowns [16.67% relevance]
(2022) vol. 95, iss. 3, pp. 255-274 | air pollution, COVID-19, lockdown, nitrogen oxides, carbon
article/item/13322.html - 15.22 kB
Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas [16.67% relevance]
64, pp. 61-70 | Urbanization, human impact, air pollution, local climate change, urban climate Degradation
article/item/7910.html - 12.87 kB
Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) [16.67% relevance]
, sedimentary record, 210Pb-dating, industrial pollution of the sea, eutrophication, Gulf of Gdańsk,
article/item/7900.html - 14.2 kB
Not only climate: Interacting drivers of treeline change in Europe [16.67% relevance]
forests, climate, climate change, topography, pollution, snow avalanche Not only climate: Interacting
article/item/10460.html - 15.97 kB
Restructuralization, deindustrialization and unemployment in Poland. Case study of Warsaw [16.67% relevance]
deindustrialization, unemployment, environmental pollution, Warsaw, Poland Restructuralization,
article/item/7907.html - 13.14 kB
Biochemical studies in the Ratanica forest catchment (Wieliczka Foothills, S Poland) [16.67% relevance]
and polutant cycling, forest catchment, air pollution, forest health moni-toring, bioindicators
article/item/7943.html - 12.94 kB