Results 1 - 2 of 2 for redevelopment (0.0026 seconds)
Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. The case of the "Neue Mitte Oberhausen" [100.00% relevance]
Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. … Oberhausen" This paper looks at a major urban redevelopment project in the city of Oberhausen,Germany, … … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 69 Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. … Polonica (1997) vol. 69, pp. 109-118 | urban redevelopment, decision-making, politics of planning, city … image, planning process Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process.
article/item/7858.html - 13.44 kB
Resuscitating the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in downtown Johannesburg [80.00% relevance]
African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in … African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in … 1, pp. 57-70 | Johannesburg, urban regeneration, redevelopment, parks, housing, transport Resuscitating the … African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in
article/item/11706.html - 15.04 kB