Results 1 - 12 of 12 for slopes (0.0059 seconds)
Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland [100.00% relevance]
Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., … of the first large-area monitoring of steep slopes in the Tatra Mountains. In the research, we used … , iss. 1 Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., … (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1, pp. 53-67 | granitoid slopes, rockfall, climate change impact, terrestrial … Mts. Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts.,
article/item/13545.html - 15.06 kB
The morphodynamics of slopes within the snow avalanche starting zones in the Tatras [80.00% relevance]
The morphodynamics of slopes within the snow avalanche starting zones in the … (2016) vol. 89, iss. 1 The morphodynamics of slopes within the snow avalanche starting zones in the … ) vol. 89, iss. 1, pp. 17-29 | morphodynamic, slopes, avalanche, starting zones, Tatra Mountains The … morphodynamics of slopes within the snow avalanche starting zones in the
article/item/10461.html - 14.57 kB
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki Lakeland, Poland) [80.00% relevance]
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements ( … , Poland) Monitoring of soil erosion on selected slopes of the Suwałki Lakeland (NE Poland)was conducted … 80, iss. 2 Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements ( … NE Poland Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (
article/item/7696.html - 13.52 kB
Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians [80.00% relevance]
Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of … focuses on the rate of present-day retreat of slopes, as determined by directmeasurement, both above … (2008) vol. 81, iss. 1 Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of … , Western Carpathians Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of
article/item/7683.html - 13.72 kB
Links between vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in the Tatra Mountains [60.00% relevance]
vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in the Tatra Mountains This study examines the … vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in the Tatra Mountains Anna Kozłowska, Zofia … vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in the Tatra Mountains, Anna Kozłowska, Zofia
article/item/5350.html - 14.61 kB
Spatial modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia [60.00% relevance]
of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra … of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra … of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra
article/item/10465.html - 14.51 kB
Potential for change in the water cycle on cultivated slopes [60.00% relevance]
for change in the water cycle on cultivated slopes Land use is one of the important factors which … for change in the water cycle on cultivated slopes January Słupik Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. … for change in the water cycle on cultivated slopes, January Słupik, Geographia Polonica (1978) vol
article/item/8336.html - 13.14 kB
Denudational balance of slopes [60.00% relevance]
Denudational balance of slopes Twelve years ago in the Polish geographical … Polonica (1968) vol. 13 Denudational balance of slopes Alfred Jahn Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13, … pp. 9-30 | Denudational balance of slopes, Alfred Jahn, Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13
article/item/8845.html - 12.33 kB
Debris flow activity in the Slovak part of the High Tatras in the light of lichenometric dating [20.00% relevance]
of lichenometric dating Rock walls and talus slopes, which are the most common features of high-
article/item/13546.html - 14.71 kB
Permafrost Degradation and Slope Instability in the Italian Alps [20.00% relevance]
landslides. Debris flows are frequent on slopes overlying permafrost and are likely the …
article/item/7677.html - 13.27 kB
The diversity of soils of the upper forest line, transition, and mountain pine zones in the Babia Góra Massif [20.00% relevance]
up to the mountain pine zone on the southern slopes of Babia Góra, has diversified phytosociology
article/item/9979.html - 14.02 kB
Potential rockfalls in the periglacial zone of the Polish High Tatras: Extent and kinematics [20.00% relevance]
. 97, iss. 2, pp. 189-204 | rockfalls, granitoid slopes, natural hazards cartography, RAMMS::Rockfall
article/item/13925.html - 14.69 kB