Results 1 - 3 of 3 for small town (0.0062 seconds)
Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999 [100.00% relevance]
Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999 This … elaboration concerns small towns in the highly urbanized region of Upper … 2005) vol. 78, iss. 1 Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999 Elżbieta … Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1, pp. 137-150 | small town, economic transformation, demographic … , Upper Silesia Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999, Elżbieta … (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1, pp. 137-150 | small town, economic transformation, demographic changes,
article/item/7721.html - 13.25 kB
Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town [100.00% relevance]
towards the social environment of a small town This paper presents a new approach in geographic … towards the social environment of a small town Wiesław Maik Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 … towards the social environment of a small town, Wiesław Maik, Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. … Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town This paper presents a new approach in … 61 Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town Wiesław Maik Geographia Polonica (1993) vol … Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town, Wiesław Maik, Geographia Polonica (1993)
article/item/7977.html - 12.9 kB
Correlates of urban fertility at the microscale. A case study of Kullu Tbwn, H.P., India [50.00% relevance]
50 per cent of eligiblecouples (885) of a small town (Kullu) in a hill state (Himachal Pradesh) of … ) vol. 61, pp. 207-218 | urban fertility, Kullu Town, India Correlates of urban fertility at the … 50 per cent of eligiblecouples (885) of a small town (Kullu) in a hill state (Himachal Pradesh)
article/item/7964.html - 14.3 kB