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How seniors live from an economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review of the quality of life of seniors in Europe [100.00% relevance]
seniors live from an economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review … term. It includes both objective and subjective factors. This article reviews the … seniors live from an economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review … life, senior, Europe, material, health, social and emotional dimension How seniors live from an … economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review … , Europe, material, health, social and emotional dimension How seniors live from an economic, health, … live from an economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review of the … live from an economic, health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review of the … , senior, Europe, material, health, social and emotional dimension How seniors live from an economic, … health, social and emotional point of view? Multidimensional review of the … How seniors live from an economic, health, social
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