Results 1 - 13 of 13 for social areas (0.0224 seconds)
Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) [100.00% relevance]
Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) This article reflects upon the role … Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) Michał Dolata, Jacek Kotus Geographia … Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań), Michał Dolata, Jacek Kotus, … article reflects upon the role of residents and social groups in assigning meaningto urban space. The … … Geographia Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 2 Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad … Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 2, pp. 5-22 | Social production (marking) of urban space, … stigmatization, stereotypization, Poznań city. Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad
article/item/7703.html - 13.86 kB
Rebirth of viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland [75.00% relevance]
viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland This paper addresses … , landscape and functional changes of rural areas. Newly established … Geographia Polonica (2020) … viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland Edyta Pijet-Migoń, … | viticulture, vineyards, wine tourism, rural areas, sustainable development Rebirth of viticulture … and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland, Edyta Pijet-Migoń, … in Lower Silesia may contribute to the social, landscape and functional changes of rural areas
article/item/12561.html - 15.09 kB
Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects [75.00% relevance]
Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects In the last … -economic life occurred throughout the rural areas in Bulgaria. The most important of them are … … (2003) vol. 76, iss. 1 Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects Margarita … (2003) vol. 76, iss. 1, pp. 97-110 | rural areas, economic and social transformation, … for development, Bulgaria Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects, Margarita … century fundamental changes in all sphe-res of social-economic life occurred throughout the rural … , iss. 1, pp. 97-110 | rural areas, economic and social transformation, depopulation, ageing, prospects
article/item/7751.html - 13.57 kB
Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris [62.50% relevance]
Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris The aim of the work … segregated in the three selected metropolitan areas of … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 … Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris Barbara Jaczewska, … , Paris Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, Barbara Jaczewska, … article has been to indicate demographic and social categories to the greatest extent segregated in
article/item/10506.html - 14 kB
Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis through mutations in the work force and selective migrations [50.00% relevance]
Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis … Polonica (1997) vol. 69 Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis … exclusion, Switzerland Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis … professional qualification, selective migration, social exclusion, Switzerland Towns and metropolitan
article/item/7856.html - 15.09 kB
Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) [50.00% relevance]
contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) The main aim of … contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) Marcin Wójcik … contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland), Marcin Wójcik, … this paper is attempt to identify the effects of social and spatial transition in a specific area of
article/item/11282.html - 14.32 kB
Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid [50.00% relevance]
Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid Since the … 61 Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid Jürgen … Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid, Jürgen … in enforcing apartheid measures, and the social and economicpractice of apartheid has been …
article/item/7981.html - 13.12 kB
Sociogéographie médicale à micro-échelle: Méthodes d'analyse et de localisation [37.50% relevance]
, microscale, automatic location, social areas, Chicoutimi-Jonquière (Quebec) Sociogéographie … microscale involvessuperposing methods from many social sciences, such as geography, sociology andden … geography, microscale, automatic location, social areas, Chicoutimi-Jonquière (Quebec)
article/item/7974.html - 14.3 kB
The Poverty Problem in Rural Romania [37.50% relevance]
-76 | land restitution, poverty, Romania, rural areas, smallholdings, social security, subsist-ence … combined with low wages and an inadequate social security system. But the situation is … , poverty, Romania, rural areas, smallholdings, social security, subsist-ence farming, unemployment The
article/item/7708.html - 13.42 kB
Mobilité et migrations dans et vers l'espace périurbain en Ile de Prance [25.00% relevance]
l'espace périurbain en Ile de Prance Periurban areas are usually considered as urban developments … nearby urban families according to their social characteristics and who thuscontribute to the
article/item/7968.html - 13.89 kB
Landscape factors modified by agricultural activity [25.00% relevance]
extended its agricultural activity over large areas in … Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 … theme. It is well known that in the course of social development, mankind has extended its
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Regionalization of Pennsyl-vania Counties for Development Planning [25.00% relevance]
problems of declining and underdeveloped areas in the U.S. have led to a complex of policies … -vania Counties for Development Planning The social nad economic problems of declining and
article/item/8798.html - 13.01 kB
Socially involved agriculture in sustainable rural development [25.00% relevance]
, sustainable development, care farming, rural areas Socially involved agriculture in sustainable … Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 3, pp. 307-319 | social farming, sustainable development, care farming,
article/item/12560.html - 14.24 kB