Results 1 - 2 of 2 for socio-economic consequences (0.0104 seconds)
Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland [100.00% relevance]
in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in … in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in … in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in … This article looks at certain socioeconomic consequences of extreme hydrometeorologicalphenomena in the
article/item/6173.html - 14.4 kB
The demographic status of and perspectives for the Russian Federation [50.00% relevance]
of Russian Federation, demographic forecasts, socio-economic consequences, demography and geopolitics The … , demographic forecasts, socio-economic consequences, demography and geopolitics The demographic
article/item/2597.html - 13.96 kB