Results 1 - 3 of 3 for storm surges (0.0031 seconds)
Application of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic Coast [100.00% relevance]
Model was appliedin analyses of extreme storm surges along the Polish Baltic coast. When the … iss. 2, pp. 181-190 | numerical modelling, storm surges, low-pressure systems, southern Baltic Sea … of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic … Ocean Model was appliedin analyses of extreme storm surges along the Polish Baltic coast. When the … of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic … . 80, iss. 2, pp. 181-190 | numerical modelling, storm surges, low-pressure systems, southern Baltic … of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic
article/item/7698.html - 13.86 kB
Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast [42.86% relevance]
. 99-107 | southern Baltic, extreme sea levels, storm surges, storm falls Extreme Water Level … 107 | southern Baltic, extreme sea levels, storm surges, storm falls Extreme Water Level Fluctuations
article/item/7672.html - 13.61 kB
Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 [42.86% relevance]
) vol. 83, iss. 1, pp. 61-69 | sea level change, storm surges, southern Baltic Sea Sea level … , constitutes a higher reference level forstorm surges and fl oods. According to the IPCC, extreme … 83, iss. 1, pp. 61-69 | sea level change, storm surges, southern Baltic Sea Sea level variability in
article/item/7660.html - 13.43 kB