Results 1 - 2 of 2 for sunshine duration (0.0093 seconds)
Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland [100.00% relevance]
Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland The aim of the … paper is to characterize the trends of sunshine duration (SDU) and air temperature in Poland, which may … ) vol. 95, iss. 3 Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland Dorota Matuszko, … -290 | global warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air temperature, trends, Poland Relationships … between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland, Dorota Matuszko, … Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland The aim … of the paper is to characterize the trends of sunshine duration (SDU) and air temperature in Poland, … (2022) vol. 95, iss. 3 Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland Dorota … 3, pp. 275-290 | global warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air temperature, trends, Poland … Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland, Dorota
article/item/13323.html - 16.83 kB
Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland [20.00% relevance]
, circulation indices, air temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation, long-term instrumental … change, circulation indices, air temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation, long-term instrumental
article/item/7937.html - 14.8 kB