Results 1 - 4 of 4 for terraces (0.0014 seconds)
Genesis and age of the terraces of Dnieper River between Orsha and Shklov, Byelorussia [100.00% relevance]
Genesis and age of the terraces of Dnieper River between Orsha and Shklov, … , in spite of being and old one, has only young terraces preserved in the section between Orsha and … Shklov: tow Vistulian-Young Pleniglacial terraces and … Geographia Polonica (1992) vol. 60 Genesis … and age of the terraces of Dnieper River between Orsha and Shklov, … ) vol. 60, pp. 151-174 | Genesis and age of the terraces of Dnieper River between Orsha and Shklov,
article/item/8010.html - 13.24 kB
On the regularities in composition and mode of origin of kame terraces in the north-western part of the Małopolska Upland [60.00% relevance]
in composition and mode of origin of kame terraces in the north-western part of the Małopolska … in composition and mode of origin of kame terraces in the north-western part of the Małopolska … in composition and mode of origin of kame terraces in the north-western part of the Małopolska
article/item/8987.html - 12.17 kB
The map of potential natural vegetation as a source of knowledge on the Holocene history of the Vistula river valley [20.00% relevance]
vegetation, Holocene valley of the Vistula, terraces, Pleistocene deposits The map of potential
article/item/5352.html - 13.67 kB
The role of blocks of dead ice in the deposition of late glacial sediments in a large valley: A case study from the Vistula river valley in the Grudziądz basin, north Poland [20.00% relevance]
Vistula River valley, dead ice landforms, kame terraces, lithofacies analysis, Quaternary, Northern
article/item/9350.html - 14.33 kB