Results 1 - 14 of 14 for territory (0.0039 seconds)
Prices of food products in Polish territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age [100.00% relevance]
Prices of food products in Polish territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little … 1994) vol. 63 Prices of food products in Polish territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little … | climatic oscillations, Little Ice Age, Polish territory, price indices Prices of food products in Polish … territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little
article/item/7936.html - 13.34 kB
Mathematical method of regionalization and its application to Poland's territory [75.00% relevance]
regionalization and its application to Poland's territory Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Mathematical … regionalization and its application to Poland's territory Leszek Pernarowski Geographia Polonica (1968) … regionalization and its application to Poland's territory, Leszek Pernarowski, Geographia Polonica (1968)
article/item/8821.html - 11.87 kB
The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland [75.00% relevance]
The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland Geographia Polonica (1969) vol. 17 The … Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland Józef Edward Mojski Geographia … The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland, Józef Edward Mojski, Geographia
article/item/8757.html - 11.81 kB
Governance, territory and housing – International Conference of the European Network for Housing Research 2016 Belfast, Northern Ireland, 28 June – 1 July [75.00% relevance]
Governance, territory and housing – International Conference of the … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4 Governance, territory and housing – International Conference of the … 2016) vol. 89, iss. 4, pp. 563-565 | Governance, territory and housing – International Conference of the
article/item/10707.html - 12.43 kB
Some economic-geographic features of utilization of nat-ural resources and development of territory in the developing countries [75.00% relevance]
of nat-ural resources and development of territory in the developing countries Geographia Polonica … of nat-ural resources and development of territory in the developing countries Yakov G. Mashbits … of nat-ural resources and development of territory in the developing countries, Yakov G. Mashbits,
article/item/8472.html - 12.13 kB
Artificial heat over the territory of Poland [75.00% relevance]
Artificial heat over the territory of Poland Apart from natural source of heat … Polonica (1972) vol. 21 Artificial heat over the territory of Poland Maria W. Kraujalis Geographia Polonica … ) vol. 21, pp. 41-52 | Artificial heat over the territory of Poland, Maria W. Kraujalis, Geographia
article/item/8701.html - 12.64 kB
Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia [25.00% relevance]
-Carpathian mountain system enters into the territory of Moravia by the mountain system of the Western
article/item/8899.html - 13.06 kB
Differentiation of transportation infrastructure as a consequence of former political divisions [25.00% relevance]
of former political divisions Poland's present territory is an interesting example of a differentiation
article/item/8184.html - 16.76 kB
Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches and Goals) [25.00% relevance]
region, regional geography, home country/pays, territory, identity, regional organization, symbol
article/item/7700.html - 13.76 kB
The Tertiary environment of Poland [25.00% relevance]
principalpalaeogeographical units of Poland's territory which showed different developmentaltendencies.
article/item/8101.html - 13.69 kB
A special regional environmental-social conflict on the Great Hungarian Plain [25.00% relevance]
social conflict on the Great Hungarian Plain The territory officially called the Great Hungarian Plain is
article/item/7917.html - 13.96 kB
A geomorphometric analysis of Poland on the basis of SRTM-3 data [25.00% relevance]
a range of geomorphometric analyses of Polish territory using both classical and new approaches.The
article/item/7408.html - 14.34 kB
Immigrants from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the early stages of European colonization of the Cape Colony [25.00% relevance]
not have colonies of itsown, emigrants from its territory did play a part in the colonial … Geographia
article/item/7562.html - 14.01 kB
Gully evolution in the Myjava Hill land in the second half of the last millenium in the context of the Central European area [25.00% relevance]
European area The author's investigations in the territory of the Myjava Hill Land, Slovakia revealed two
article/item/7740.html - 13.8 kB