Results 1 - 9 of 9 for trade (0.0053 seconds)
Regional differentiation of commodity trade of Ukraine with Poland [100.00% relevance]
Regional differentiation of commodity trade of Ukraine with Poland The purpose of this … the status of the Ukrainian-Polish bilateral trade links, to identifyregional characteristics and … 93, iss. 3 Regional differentiation of commodity trade of Ukraine with Poland Volodymyr Lazhnik, Serhii … iss. 3, pp. 421-442 | export, import, commodity trade, trade balance coefficient, trade connectivity … , Poland Regional differentiation of commodity trade of Ukraine with Poland, Volodymyr Lazhnik,
article/item/12574.html - 14.9 kB
Trade and foreign direct investments as measures of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region [57.14% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2002) vol. 75, iss. 2 Trade and foreign direct investments as measures of … regional and sub-regional integrative processes, trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) Trade and
article/item/7760.html - 14.84 kB
Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw [42.86% relevance]
Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw One major prerequisite for … (1981) vol. 44 Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw Irena Chudzyńska Geographia Polonica ( … . 44, pp. 201-210 | Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw, Irena Chudzyńska, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8291.html - 13.02 kB
The “CIS effects” of Russia’s forthcoming WTO accession [28.57% relevance]
. This state of affairs is strongly related to trade issues, because Russia plays an important … … Polonica (2011) vol. 84, iss. 2, pp. 65-76 | Trade analysis, WTO, food safety, SPS, GOST The “CIS
article/item/7621.html - 12.86 kB
The Chinese minority in Bucharest: A case study of Chinese children raised and cared for by Romanian nannies [14.29% relevance]
involved in the profitable wholesale and retail trade activities; they have families … Geographia
article/item/13150.html - 16.26 kB
Spatial differentiation of Polish export linkages [14.29% relevance]
, areas of export concentration, geography of trade in Poland Spatial differentiation of Polish
article/item/9934.html - 14.11 kB
The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S. automotive sector: A review of the state of knowledge and some ideas for future research [14.29% relevance]
partly a response to a weakening U.S. dollar and trade … Geographia Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 3 The
article/item/9478.html - 13.74 kB
Spatial concentration of foreign owned entities in Poland [14.29% relevance]
plays a crucial role in global capital and trade flows. The FDI’s influence on national, regional
article/item/11604.html - 14.52 kB
Foreign economic relations and regional development in russia: continuity and change [14.29% relevance]
over foreign economic relations enabled for-eign trade to address national economic problems. In
article/item/7617.html - 13.52 kB