Results 1 - 1 of 1 for urban develop-ment and planning (0.0665 seconds)
The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen, China [100.00% relevance]
The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen … Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1 The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen … central-local relationships, urban develop-ment and planning, Shenzhen, China The Birth and … economy, central-local relationships, urban develop-ment and planning, Shenzhen, China The Birth and … -local relationships, urban develop-ment and planning, Shenzhen, China The Birth and Development of a … socialist economy, central-local relationships, urban develop-ment and planning, Shenzhen, China The
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