Results 1 - 20 of 20 for vegetation (0.0184 seconds)
Vegetation Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District [100.00% relevance]
Vegetation Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District This article … presents vegetation mapping in Norway, with special emphasis on the … . A … Geographia Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1 Vegetation Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation … Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 41-64 | vegetation mapping, regrowth and climate scenarios, … , summer dairy farming, Norway, forest-limit Vegetation Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation
article/item/7705.html - 13.77 kB
Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie National Park) [75.00% relevance]
areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie … areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie … (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 65-94 | potential vegetation, actual vegetation, dynamic circles of … substitute communities, forecast, vegetation dynamics, National Park, Poland Forecasting of … areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie
article/item/5351.html - 15.42 kB
Assessment of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland [75.00% relevance]
of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air … 10-day values for the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) in five regions in Poland. The NDVI … of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air … vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 29-40 | climate variations, vegetation, normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), … of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air
article/item/7772.html - 14.51 kB
Complex multi-layer vegetation map as the basis for detailed geobotanical regionalization and characterization of the spatial structure of landscape (a case study from the Vistula river valley, Poland) [75.00% relevance]
Complex multi-layer vegetation map as the basis for detailed geobotanical … on the basis of differentiationof actual vegetation with geobotanical sub-districts defined on the … (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1 Complex multi-layer vegetation map as the basis for detailed geobotanical … (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 7-25 | actual vegetation, potential vegetation, landscape metrics, … , Vistula Valley, Poland Complex multi-layer vegetation map as the basis for detailed geobotanical
article/item/5349.html - 14.4 kB
The map of potential natural vegetation as a source of knowledge on the Holocene history of the Vistula river valley [62.50% relevance]
The map of potential natural vegetation as a source of knowledge on the Holocene history … the relationships between potential natural vegetation and geomorphologicalforms. The study area covers … ) vol. 79, iss. 1 The map of potential natural vegetation as a source of knowledge on the Holocene history … vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 95-111 | potential natural vegetation, Holocene valley of the Vistula, terraces, … deposits The map of potential natural vegetation as a source of knowledge on the Holocene history
article/item/5352.html - 13.67 kB
Links between vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in the Tatra Mountains [62.50% relevance]
Links between vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in … 1. in high-mountain areas, the differentiationof vegetation units at the landscape (supra-ecosystem) scale … Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1 Links between vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in … pp. 27-39 | geomorphology, morphodynamic units, vegetation, landscape units, vegetation-relief links, Tatra … Mountains, Poland Links between vegetation and morphodynamics of high-mountain slopes in
article/item/5350.html - 14.61 kB
Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be Expected in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate [50.00% relevance]
Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be … Polonica (2005) vol. 77, iss. 2 Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be … . 2, pp. 35-46 | warming of climate, changes in vegetation and soils, the paleogeographic analog method, … East European Plain Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be
article/item/7734.html - 14.67 kB
Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in North—West Scania, Sweden, during the Late Weichselian [37.50% relevance]
Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in North—West Scania, Sweden, during the Late … (1988) vol. 55 Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in North—West Scania, Sweden, during the Late … vol. 55, pp. 13-36 | Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in North—West Scania, Sweden, during the Late
article/item/8075.html - 13.26 kB
General map of potential natural vegetation of Poland [37.50% relevance]
General map of potential natural vegetation of Poland Geographia Polonica (1982) vol. 48 … General map of potential natural vegetation of Poland Joanna Plit Geographia Polonica (1982 … 48, pp. 31-40 | General map of potential natural vegetation of Poland, Joanna Plit, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8227.html - 12.05 kB
The localization of urban heat island in the Katowice conurbation (Poland) using the combination of land surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index [37.50% relevance]
land surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index … land surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index … land surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index,
article/item/12899.html - 14.59 kB
Micro level typological classification of Indian agriculture: The case of Uttar Pradesh [12.50% relevance]
relief, has large variations in soil, climate, vegetation etc, and is able to produce most of the
article/item/8049.html - 13.15 kB
Geographia Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1 [12.50% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (2006) vol. 79, iss. 1 Vegetation maps as a tool in environmental assessment and
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The influence of relief on microclimate and location of the upper tree-limit [12.50% relevance]
with mean annual temperature, the limits of vegetation horizons were … Geographia Polonica (2011) vol.
article/item/7205.html - 14.16 kB
Extremeness of extreme events [12.50% relevance]
and fre-quency, stability and instability, vegetation Extremeness of extreme events, John B. Thornes,
article/item/7744.html - 13.41 kB
Energy exchange in an active layer in the Kocioł Kasprowy (Tatra Mountains) [12.50% relevance]
.s.l. (located in the altitudinal zone of alpine vegetation). The study … Geographia Polonica (2004) vol. 77
article/item/4180.html - 13.41 kB
Land-use changes in different natural habitats of the Vistula river valley during the 19th and 20th centuries [12.50% relevance]
vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 113-130 | map of potential vegetation, historical land-use changes, habitat diversity
article/item/5353.html - 13.76 kB
Ecological and cultural importance of juniper ecosystem in the area of Zeravshan valley (Tajikistan) on the background of environmental condition and anthropogenic hazards [12.50% relevance]
-461 | juniper forest, deforestation, mountain vegetation, environmental conditions, Zeravshan Valley,
article/item/11104.html - 16.21 kB
A map of sequences of ’forest/non-forest states’ over the last 200 years in the borderland between Poland’s Masuria and Kurpie regions [12.50% relevance]
maps, changes in forest cover, potential natural vegetation, habitat variation, central Poland A map of
article/item/9353.html - 15.26 kB
Geographical pattern of chosen soil and herb layer features of central- and north European Scots pine forests [12.50% relevance]
differentiation andreflects the history of the vegetation), soils (which … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol
article/item/7572.html - 15.38 kB
Sedimentation gaps documented in the Eemian (MIS 5e) record in four profiles from the Żabieniec palaeolake (Central Poland) [12.50% relevance]
reconstruction of the Eemian Interglacial vegetation and climate, revealed differences resulting from
article/item/13953.html - 15.45 kB