Results 1 - 4 of 4 for vulnerability (0.0043 seconds)
Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management [100.00% relevance]
protection; coastal management; Poland's coast vulnerability to sea level rise Polish Baltic coast: changes,
article/item/7942.html - 14.69 kB
Natural and human factors in environmental disasters [100.00% relevance]
zoning, natural disasters, susteinability, vulnerability Natural and human factors in environmental
article/item/7745.html - 14.29 kB
Estimating the short-term economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic: A regional perspective [100.00% relevance]
, economic effects, regional specialisation, vulnerability index, Romania Estimating the short-term
article/item/12995.html - 14.89 kB
Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary [100.00% relevance]
topography: thus, having different level of vulnerability to certain climatic effects; … Geographia
article/item/13587.html - 14.79 kB