Results 1 - 3 of 3 for water levels (0.0121 seconds)
The effects of total water hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide levels on mortality in urban areas of England and Wales [100.00% relevance]
The effects of total water hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide … study to investigate the association of total water hardness, and smoke particulate and sulphur … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 The effects of total water hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide … 1995) vol. 64, pp. 177-186 | Longitudinal Study, water hardness, air pollution, mortality The effects … of total water hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide … hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide levels on mortality in urban areas of England and Wales … hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide levels on mortality in urban areas of England and Wales … hardness, smoke particles and sulphur dioxide levels on mortality in urban areas of England and Wales
article/item/7918.html - 13.61 kB
Effect of the north Atlantic oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland [87.50% relevance]
an analysis of correlations between water levels in Polish lakes and the rate of the North … 91, iss. 2, pp. 243-259 | teleconnections, water levels, lakes, NAO Effect of the north Atlantic … Effect of the north Atlantic oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland … presents an analysis of correlations between water levels in Polish lakes and the rate of the North … . 2 Effect of the north Atlantic oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland … vol. 91, iss. 2, pp. 243-259 | teleconnections, water levels, lakes, NAO Effect of the north Atlantic … oscillation on water level fluctuations in lakes of northern Poland,
article/item/11338.html - 14.59 kB
Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast [75.00% relevance]
Coast The paper examines annual extreme sea levels along the Polish Baltic coast. The analysisis … . 1, pp. 99-107 | southern Baltic, extreme sea levels, storm surges, storm falls Extreme Water Level … Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast The … the Polish Baltic coast. The analysisis based on water level data sets collected at gauging stations in … Polonica (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1 Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast … sea levels, storm surges, storm falls Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast,
article/item/7672.html - 13.61 kB