Results 1 - 4 of 4 for water resources (0.0179 seconds)
Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area [100.00% relevance]
Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area The development of … been closely associated with theexploitation of water resources in the Bystrzyca river basin. The … Polonica (1997) vol. 68 Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area Zdzisław … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 68, pp. 81-97 | water circulation, water resources, changes in water … basin, Eastern Poland Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area, Zdzisław … closely associated with theexploitation of water resources in the Bystrzyca river basin. The extension of … ) vol. 68, pp. 81-97 | water circulation, water resources, changes in water conditions, Bystrzyca river
article/item/7882.html - 13.4 kB
Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change (abstract) [88.89% relevance]
Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change ( … ) Geographia Polonica (1998) vol. 71 Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change ( … vol. 71, pp. 59-60 | hydrology, climate change, water resources Poland's water resources in the face … Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change (abstract) … Polonica (1998) vol. 71 Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change (abstract) … 71, pp. 59-60 | hydrology, climate change, water resources Poland's water resources in the face of climatic
article/item/7831.html - 12.12 kB
Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century [77.78% relevance]
results of the impact of climate change on water resources in four countries in South Asia. Under present … 70, pp. 7-24 | climate change; irrigation; water resources Water Management in South Asia in the 21st … the results of the impact of climate change on water resources in four countries in South Asia. Under … , China, … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century … vol. 70, pp. 7-24 | climate change; irrigation; water resources Water Management in South Asia in the
article/item/7842.html - 13.53 kB
The problem of use-repartition and protection of water resources [66.67% relevance]
of use-repartition and protection of water resources Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 32 The problem … of use-repartition and protection of water resources Mieczysław Zajbert Geographia Polonica (1975) … of use-repartition and protection of water resources, Mieczysław Zajbert, Geographia Polonica (1975) … The problem of use-repartition and protection of water resources Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 32 The … problem of use-repartition and protection of water resources Mieczysław Zajbert Geographia Polonica … The problem of use-repartition and protection of water resources, Mieczysław Zajbert, Geographia
article/item/8534.html - 11.77 kB