Results 1 - 8 of 8 for water temperature (0.0089 seconds)
Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river [100.00% relevance]
Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river The article … presents the evolution of water temperature changes in the Wisłok river (the … , iss. 4 Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river Łukasz … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4, pp. 481-491 | water temperature, dam, reservoir, river, Carpathians … Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river, Łukasz … Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river The article presents the … evolution of water temperature changes in the Wisłok river (the upper Vistula … . 4 Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river Łukasz Wiejaczka, … (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4, pp. 481-491 | water temperature, dam, reservoir, river, Carpathians Effect of a … small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river, Łukasz Wiejaczka,
article/item/11106.html - 14.36 kB
Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study [90.00% relevance]
Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study This … 1998) vol. 71 Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study … Geographia Polonica (1998) vol. 71, pp. 93-101 | temperature of water, reservoirs, climate impact Impact of … climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study, … Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case … processes in storage reservoirs supplying water for domestic use and industry. As a case … … (1998) vol. 71 Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case … (1998) vol. 71, pp. 93-101 | temperature of water, reservoirs, climate impact Impact of climate … change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case
article/item/7834.html - 13.07 kB
The thermal balance equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract) [60.00% relevance]
equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract) Geographia Polonica ( … equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract) Krystyna Pianko- … equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract), Krystyna Pianko- … balance equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract) … balance equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract) … balance equation as a method of predicting water surface temperature in carp ponds (abstract),
article/item/7835.html - 12.16 kB
Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea [60.00% relevance]
Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea … The characteristics of sea water level (SWL) in the northwestern part of the … (2024) vol. 97, iss. 4 Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea … Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 4, pp. 473-484 | water level, northwestern part of the Black Sea, river … runoff, air temperature Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea … part of the Black Sea, river runoff, air temperature Long-term changes in water level of the
article/item/14121.html - 15.23 kB
Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin [50.00% relevance]
Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … The temperature of shallow groundwater is markedly affected by … air temperature,the height of water table and its changes … (1988) vol. 53 Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … , pp. 115-128 | Dynamics of shallow groundwater temperature in the Vistula abandoned valley, the Płock Basin … affected by air temperature,the height of water table and its changes throughout the year,
article/item/8107.html - 14.17 kB
Thermal regime of the Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay [50.00% relevance]
Vistula River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay Surface water temperature characteristics of the Vistula River … Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 4, pp. 459-471 | water temperature, air temperature, remote sensing, … River mouth and the Gdańsk Bay Surface water temperature characteristics of the Vistula River mouth and … (2023) vol. 96, iss. 4, pp. 459-471 | water temperature, air temperature, remote sensing, coastal zone,
article/item/13811.html - 14.21 kB
Carp culture - an indicator of climate fluctuations [20.00% relevance]
vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 81-89 | ponds, carp growth, temperature, water balance Carp culture - an indicator of … 2, pp. 81-89 | ponds, carp growth, temperature, water balance Carp culture - an indicator of climate
article/item/7775.html - 13.11 kB
Influence of the Czorsztyn-Sromowce Wyżne Reservoir Complex on the Dunajec River thermal-regime [20.00% relevance]
, Dunajec River, Sromowce Wyżne Reservoir, water temperature Influence of the Czorsztyn-Sromowce … , Dunajec River, Sromowce Wyżne Reservoir, water temperature Influence of the Czorsztyn-Sromowce Wyżne
article/item/10066.html - 15.19 kB