Results 1 - 22 of 22 for Cracow (0.0063 seconds)
Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow [100.00% relevance]
Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow Radioactivity of several components of … atmosphere in Cracow is measured continuously or periodicaly in the … . 62 Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow Taduesz Florkowski, Jerzy Grabczak, Kazimierz … 85Kr Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity in Cracow, Taduesz Florkowski, Jerzy Grabczak, Kazimierz
article/item/7941.html - 13.15 kB
Directions of geomorphological research in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow [100.00% relevance]
in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow In the autumn of 1953 professor M. Klimaszewski … of Geography of the PolishAcademy of Sciences in Cracow. At the … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 … in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow Leszek Starkel Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. … in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow, Leszek Starkel, Geographia Polonica (1972) vol
article/item/8687.html - 13.48 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [100.00% relevance]
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local … of thermal, solar and cloudiness conditions in Cracow was examined from the point of view of the … 1994) vol. 63 The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local … warming The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Long-term observations of cloud cover in Cracow (1792- 1999) [100.00% relevance]
Long-term observations of cloud cover in Cracow (1792- 1999) Cracow's series of nephological … iss. 2 Long-term observations of cloud cover in Cracow (1792- 1999) Dorota Matuszko Geographia Polonica … (2001) vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 41-56 | Cracow, cloudiness, cloud genera, nephological … Long-term observations of cloud cover in Cracow (1792- 1999), Dorota Matuszko, Geographia
article/item/7773.html - 13.18 kB
An attempt to apply the method of taxonomic classification of linearly ordered sets to the delimitation of zones of land use in Cracow [100.00% relevance]
sets to the delimitation of zones of land use in Cracow In this study the author attempts to delimit the … zones of land use for the city of Cracow by the method of taxonomic classification of … sets to the delimitation of zones of land use in Cracow Rajmund Mydel Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 … sets to the delimitation of zones of land use in Cracow, Rajmund Mydel, Geographia Polonica (1980) vol.
article/item/8317.html - 12.68 kB
Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 [75.00% relevance]
Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 Geographia Polonica (1983) vol. … 45 Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 Janina Trepińska Geographia … ) vol. 45, pp. 59-70 | Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975, Janina Trepińska, Geographia
article/item/8269.html - 13.32 kB
Mild winters in Cracow against the background of the con-temporary circulation processes [75.00% relevance]
Mild winters in Cracow against the background of the con-temporary … Polonica (1976) vol. 33 1 Mild winters in Cracow against the background of the con-temporary … (1976) vol. 33 1, pp. 97-106 | Mild winters in Cracow against the background of the con-temporary
article/item/8524.html - 11.95 kB
Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow [75.00% relevance]
development level of the city. The case of Cracow In his paper the author presented the concept of … development level of the city. The case of Cracow Andrzej Zborowski Geographia Polonica (1993) vol … development level of the city. The case of Cracow, Andrzej Zborowski, Geographia Polonica (1993)
article/item/7962.html - 16.12 kB
Some methods of morphodynamic research used in Cracow [75.00% relevance]
Some methods of morphodynamic research used in Cracow Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18 Some methods … of morphodynamic research used in Cracow Zdzisław Czeppe Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. … Some methods of morphodynamic research used in Cracow, Zdzisław Czeppe, Geographia Polonica (1970) vol
article/item/8750.html - 13.37 kB
Some selected problems of the development and structure of Cracow industry [75.00% relevance]
problems of the development and structure of Cracow industry Geographia Polonica (1969) vol. 16 Some … problems of the development and structure of Cracow industry Bronisław Kortus Geographia Polonica ( … problems of the development and structure of Cracow industry, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8784.html - 11.84 kB
Structure and development trends in the Cracow agglomeration [75.00% relevance]
Structure and development trends in the Cracow agglomeration Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 30 … Structure and development trends in the Cracow agglomeration Bronisław Kortus Geographia … -124 | Structure and development trends in the Cracow agglomeration, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia
article/item/8564.html - 11.75 kB
Six centuries of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow [75.00% relevance]
of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow Geographia Polonica (1967) vol. 11 Six centuries … of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow Stanisław Stanisław, Bożena Modelska-Strzelecka … of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Stanisław Stanisław, Bożena Modelska-Strzelecka
article/item/8880.html - 12.13 kB
The effect of industry on the development of towns. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow [75.00% relevance]
. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 The effect of … . Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow Bronisław Kortus Geographia Polonica (1973) vol … . Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia Polonica (1973)
article/item/8631.html - 12 kB
Cracow's spatial structure and environmental quality [50.00% relevance]
quality Since its founding in 1257, Cracow has developed in an evolutionary way. Post-war … which was … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Cracow's spatial structure and environmental quality … pattern, social changes, environmental quality, Cracow Cracow's spatial structure and environmental
article/item/7909.html - 13.22 kB
Relationships between cloudiness, precipitation and air temperature [50.00% relevance]
, cloudiness and precipitation, based on the Cracow meteorological records. … Geographia Polonica ( … 17 | cloudiness, precipitation, air temperature, Cracow, Poland Relationships between cloudiness,
article/item/7614.html - 14.99 kB
Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 [25.00% relevance]
in industrialized regions, Warsaw and Cracow, Poland, 27-30 June 1994
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Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad [25.00% relevance]
education, International Geography Olympiad, Cracow, International Geographical Union, International
article/item/9445.html - 14.45 kB
Some problems of the demographic structure of Polish cities [25.00% relevance]
178 | demographic structure, population density, Cracow. Some problems of the demographic structure of
article/item/7961.html - 14 kB
Evolution of isotopic composition and concentration of atmospheric CO2 as a result of anthropogenic influences [25.00% relevance]
in atmospheric C02 and its concentration in Cracow urban area have been carried on at the
article/item/7940.html - 13.9 kB
Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas [25.00% relevance]
industrial areas The changes in the climate of Cracow agglomeration during last forty years are
article/item/7910.html - 12.87 kB
Reconstruction of the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid-13th century [25.00% relevance]
the paper is the historic centre of Kraków (or Cracow) where the pre-human relief became masked due to
article/item/12437.html - 15.19 kB
The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects [25.00% relevance]
iss. 1, pp. 13-32 | localization of cemeteries, Cracow, migration of the matter, ground water, ions,
article/item/7624.html - 13.49 kB