Results 1 - 7 of 7 for borders (0.0048 seconds)
Changes in the role and permeability of Polish borders [100.00% relevance]
Changes in the role and permeability of Polish borders The degree of openness, and thus the … permeability and the functions, of Po-land's borders has changed fundamentally in the last seven … 1 Changes in the role and permeability of Polish borders Tomasz Komornicki Geographia Polonica (2001) vol … . 74, iss. 1, pp. 77-100 | borders, permeability, barriers, border functions … Changes in the role and permeability of Polish borders, Tomasz Komornicki, Geographia Polonica (2001)
article/item/3003.html - 13.6 kB
Comparison of cross-border shopping tourism activities at the Polish and Romanian external borders of European Union [80.00% relevance]
activities at the Polish and Romanian external borders of European Union The purpose of the following … tourism activities taking place at the external borders of the European Union in Poland and Romania. The … activities at the Polish and Romanian external borders of European Union Delia Bar-Kołelis, Jan A. … activities at the Polish and Romanian external borders of European Union, Delia Bar-Kołelis, Jan A.
article/item/11210.html - 15.45 kB
Political borders under ecological control in the Polish borderlands [80.00% relevance]
Political borders under ecological control in the Polish … protected areas are situated in the borderlands. Borders (e.g. between states), boundaries (of protected … Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 1 Political borders under ecological control in the Polish … , protected area, eco-frontier Political borders under ecological control in the Polish
article/item/11211.html - 13.78 kB
Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 1, pp. 47-61 | borders, remote sensing, spatial analysis, mapping,
article/item/11203.html - 15.5 kB
Borderscapes and tourismscapes: The place of postcards in Mexican border town tourism [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 4, pp. 553-568 | borders • tourism • postcards • Mexico • United States
article/item/12645.html - 14.06 kB
Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration [20.00% relevance]
. 91, iss. 1, pp. 77-93 | Geo-political change, borders, mobility, aviation, the Baltic Sea Region
article/item/11208.html - 14.55 kB
Border politics in Central Europe: Hungary and the role of national scale and nation-building [20.00% relevance]
91, iss. 1, pp. 17-32 | Central Europe, Hungary, borders, border politics, national scale, cross-border
article/item/11200.html - 14.75 kB