Results 1 - 10 of 10 for ecosystem (0.0037 seconds)
Mapping ecosystem services – a new regional-scale approach [100.00% relevance]
Mapping ecosystem services – a new regional-scale approach … the potential of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services (ES) is largely dependent on the … detailand completeness of the base ecosystem map. The existing guidelines for … Geographia … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4 Mapping ecosystem services – a new regional-scale approach … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4, pp. 503-520 | ecosystem services, ecosystem, mapping, GIS, Poland … Mapping ecosystem services – a new regional-scale approach,
article/item/11178.html - 15.07 kB
The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services [100.00% relevance]
The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services Polish forests differ in their … potential to provide ecosystem services (ES), but it is unclear how and to what … . 1 The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services Andrzej Affek, Jerzy Solon, Anna … Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 1, pp. 65-90 | Ecosystem service potential, ecosystem service hotspots, … The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services, Andrzej Affek, Jerzy Solon, Anna
article/item/13861.html - 16.98 kB
Ecosystem services – classification and different approaches at various levels of biosphere organisation - a literature review [71.43% relevance]
In the literature on the subject, evaluation of ecosystem services (ES) is regarded as a one of the … and … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Ecosystem services – classification and different … Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2, pp. 65-81 | ecosystem services, ecological and spatial scale, … management, land use, biodiversity Ecosystem services – classification and different
article/item/7576.html - 14.36 kB
Ecological and cultural importance of juniper ecosystem in the area of Zeravshan valley (Tajikistan) on the background of environmental condition and anthropogenic hazards [42.86% relevance]
Ecological and cultural importance of juniper ecosystem in the area of Zeravshan valley (Tajikistan) on … 4 Ecological and cultural importance of juniper ecosystem in the area of Zeravshan valley (Tajikistan) on … Ecological and cultural importance of juniper ecosystem in the area of Zeravshan valley (Tajikistan) on
article/item/11104.html - 16.21 kB
Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): pine litter decomposition [42.86% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52- … forest litter, transects, pine needles, cones Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-
article/item/2301.html - 15.13 kB
The place of geography in the studies on the Man and the Earth system [14.29% relevance]
. 13-20 | Man and Earth, environment, geography, ecosystem studies The place of geography in the studies on
article/item/7927.html - 13.05 kB
Temperature and nutrient dynamics in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems [14.29% relevance]
Polonica (1998) vol. 71, pp. 79-92 | eutrophic ecosystem, global climate changes impact, nutrient
article/item/7833.html - 14.91 kB
Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development [14.29% relevance]
-economic models, socio-economic development, ecosystem services Socio-economic responses to the
article/item/6897.html - 13.69 kB
Critical considerations in Acacia mearnsii eradication: A case from South Africa [14.29% relevance]
286 | conservation, eco-agricultural landscapes, ecosystem goods and services, integrated control, invasive
article/item/10542.html - 14.29 kB
Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of Climate Effects on Carbon Storage in Forest Ecosystems [14.29% relevance]
studies has provided a newtool for investigating ecosystem behavior under changing climate. These studies
article/item/7733.html - 13.4 kB