Results 1 - 67 of 67 for environment (0.0121 seconds)
Environment and planning, or possible approaches to the environment in physical planning [100.00% relevance]
and planning, or possible approaches to the environment in physical planning The natural environment and … in a variety of ways. In an extreme case, the environment can be treated as the subject matter of a … … Geographia Polonica (2001) vol. 74, iss. 1 Environment and planning, or possible approaches to the … (2001) vol. 74, iss. 1, pp. 21-28 | natural environment, physical planning, nature-man relationship … and planning, or possible approaches to the environment in physical planning, Jerzy J. Parysek, Lidia
article/item/7778.html - 14.12 kB
Changing images of environment and wellbeing: perceptions of the environment as an intermediate variable in demographic behaviour [88.89% relevance]
Changing images of environment and wellbeing: perceptions of the environment as … this paper explores a model of perception of the environment as variables that mediate between demographic … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Changing images of environment and wellbeing: perceptions of the environment as … (1995) vol. 64, pp. 269-282 | perceptions, environment, intermediate variables, demographic beha-viour … Changing images of environment and wellbeing: perceptions of the environment as
article/item/7923.html - 13.75 kB
Activities of the IUSSP Committee on Population and Environment and general remarks on population and environment in industrialized [66.67% relevance]
of the IUSSP Committee on Population and Environment and general remarks on population and … of the IUSSP Committee on Population and Environment and general remarks on population and … of the IUSSP Committee on Population and Environment and general remarks on population and
article/item/7904.html - 13.06 kB
Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development [55.56% relevance]
Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development … to determine how multi-functionality of the environment relatesto … Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, … iss. 2 Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development … Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 83-95 | environment, ecological-economic models, socio-economic … services Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development
article/item/6897.html - 13.69 kB
The quality of the natural environment and demographic processes in large towns in Poland [55.56% relevance]
The quality of the natural environment and demographic processes in large towns in … Poland The ongoing degradation of the natural environment, especially in someregions of Poland, gives rise … (1993) vol. 61 The quality of the natural environment and demographic processes in large towns in … 1993) vol. 61, pp. 367-378 | quality of natural environment, demographic processes, Poland The quality of … the natural environment and demographic processes in large towns in
article/item/7975.html - 14.65 kB
Demographic perspectives on urban environment. A case of Delhi [44.44% relevance]
Demographic perspectives on urban environment. A case of Delhi Despite considerable progress … in the improvement of the environment inlarge cities of the developing countries of … 1993) vol. 61 Demographic perspectives on urban environment. A case of Delhi V.k. Tyagi Geographia Polonica … pp. 379-392 | Demographic perspectives on urban environment. A case of Delhi, V.k. Tyagi, Geographia
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Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts [44.44% relevance]
in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts This paper deals with … in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts Ann Marksoo, Juri … (1995) vol. 64, pp. 147-166 | Population, environment, agglomeration, oil-shale Changing settlement … in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts, Ann Marksoo, Juri
article/item/7916.html - 13.51 kB
Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy recommendations [44.44% relevance]
Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy … presented at the Seminar on Population and Environment in Industrialized Regions organized by IUSSP … … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy … and responsibility, urban areas Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy
article/item/7924.html - 13.83 kB
Migration in response to the urban environment: out-migration by middle-class women and their families from Mexico City after 1985 [44.44% relevance]
Migration in response to the urban environment: out-migration by middle-class women and their … 1995) vol. 64 Migration in response to the urban environment: out-migration by middle-class women and their … Polonica (1995) vol. 64, pp. 225-255 | urban environment, environmental perceptions, migration, family … , Mexico City Migration in response to the urban environment: out-migration by middle-class women and their
article/item/7921.html - 14.13 kB
Behind the scenes of a crowdmapping tool design and implementation: Guidelines for participatory mapping practices in a multicultural environment [33.33% relevance]
mapping practices in a multicultural environment This study addresses the gap in knowledge … mapping practices in a multicultural environment Michal Rzeszewski, Patryk Kaczmarek, Piotr Lupa … mapping practices in a multicultural environment, Michal Rzeszewski, Patryk Kaczmarek, Piotr Lupa
article/item/13858.html - 16.11 kB
Studies on the transformation of the natural environment by man [33.33% relevance]
Studies on the transformation of the natural environment by man Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 … Studies on the transformation of the natural environment by man Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki Geographia … | Studies on the transformation of the natural environment by man, Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki, Geographia
article/item/8696.html - 15.11 kB
The geographers' participation in solving protection problems of the human environment [33.33% relevance]
in solving protection problems of the human environment Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 The … in solving protection problems of the human environment Stanisław Leszczycki Geographia Polonica (1972) … in solving protection problems of the human environment, Stanisław Leszczycki, Geographia Polonica (1972
article/item/8695.html - 11.99 kB
Progress in research on the evolution of the geographical environment of Poland [33.33% relevance]
in research on the evolution of the geographical environment of Poland Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 53 … in research on the evolution of the geographical environment of Poland Leszek Starkel Geographia Polonica ( … in research on the evolution of the geographical environment of Poland, Leszek Starkel, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8100.html - 12.28 kB
Frequency and force of interdependence between components of the geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
between components of the geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 1 Frequency … between components of the geographical environment Andrzej Richling Geographia Polonica (1976) vol … between components of the geographical environment, Andrzej Richling, Geographia Polonica (1976)
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Man's impact on the coastal environment [33.33% relevance]
Man's impact on the coastal environment Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Man's impact … on the coastal environment Ivan P. Jolliffe Geographia Polonica (1977) vol … . 34, pp. 73-90 | Man's impact on the coastal environment, Ivan P. Jolliffe, Geographia Polonica (1977)
article/item/8486.html - 11.72 kB
The timberline as result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., … result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., … result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt.,
article/item/9982.html - 18.55 kB
The stimuli of thermal environment defined according to UTCI in Poland [33.33% relevance]
The stimuli of thermal environment defined according to UTCI in Poland The … (2021) vol. 94, iss. 2 The stimuli of thermal environment defined according to UTCI in Poland Magdalena … Thermal Climate Index The stimuli of thermal environment defined according to UTCI in Poland, Magdalena
article/item/12947.html - 15.14 kB
Economic and non-economic estimation of losses incurred due to the degradation of natural environment [33.33% relevance]
incurred due to the degradation of natural environment Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Economic and … incurred due to the degradation of natural environment Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki Geographia Polonica ( … incurred due to the degradation of natural environment, Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki, Geographia Polonica
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The protection of man's environment and regional planning [33.33% relevance]
The protection of man's environment and regional planning Geographia Polonica (1976 … ) vol. 33 2 The protection of man's environment and regional planning Stanisław Leszczycki … ) vol. 33 2, pp. 5-18 | The protection of man's environment and regional planning, Stanisław Leszczycki,
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Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town [33.33% relevance]
Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town This paper presents a new … (1993) vol. 61 Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town Wiesław Maik Geographia Polonica … situational context Attitudes towards the social environment of a small town, Wiesław Maik, Geographia
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Changes in the geographical environment as a result of open mining [33.33% relevance]
Changes in the geographical environment as a result of open mining Geographia Polonica ( … 1978) vol. 41 Changes in the geographical environment as a result of open mining Leon Kozacki … vol. 41, pp. 81-90 | Changes in the geographical environment as a result of open mining, Leon Kozacki,
article/item/8339.html - 13.43 kB
Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment [33.33% relevance]
basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment Energy' exchange between the atmosphere and the … basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment Jerzy Grzybowski Geographia Polonica (1986) vol … basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment, Jerzy Grzybowski, Geographia Polonica (1986)
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Elements of built environment and lifestyle best suited to the needs of modern industrial societies [33.33% relevance]
Elements of built environment and lifestyle best suited to the needs of modern … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Elements of built environment and lifestyle best suited to the needs of modern … , demographic optimum Elements of built environment and lifestyle best suited to the needs of modern
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The Tertiary environment of Poland [33.33% relevance]
The Tertiary environment of Poland At the beginning of the Tertiary there … Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 53 The Tertiary environment of Poland Sylwia Gilewska Geographia Polonica ( … 1988) vol. 53, pp. 19-42 | The Tertiary environment of Poland, Sylwia Gilewska, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8101.html - 13.69 kB
A novel multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary results [33.33% relevance]
the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary … the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary … the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary
article/item/13320.html - 24.83 kB
On problems of the interrelations between industrial plants and geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
between industrial plants and geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 On problems of … between industrial plants and geographical environment Lucja Górecka, Jerzy Grzeszczak Geographia … between industrial plants and geographical environment, Lucja Górecka, Jerzy Grzeszczak, Geographia
article/item/9070.html - 11.97 kB
Local energy balance in urban and industrial environment [33.33% relevance]
Local energy balance in urban and industrial environment During the last several years living conditions … 30 Local energy balance in urban and industrial environment Janusz Paszyński Geographia Polonica (1975) vol … | Local energy balance in urban and industrial environment, Janusz Paszyński, Geographia Polonica (1975)
article/item/8566.html - 13.38 kB
Changes in Geographical Environment brought about by Industrialization and Urbanization [33.33% relevance]
Changes in Geographical Environment brought about by Industrialization and … Polonica (1964) vol. 3 Changes in Geographical Environment brought about by Industrialization and … ) vol. 3, pp. 201-210 | Changes in Geographical Environment brought about by Industrialization and
article/item/9042.html - 11.96 kB
Cartographical method of research used in investigation of changes in geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
used in investigation of changes in geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1982) vol. 48 … used in investigation of changes in geographical environment Kazimierz Trafas Geographia Polonica (1982) vol … used in investigation of changes in geographical environment, Kazimierz Trafas, Geographia Polonica (1982)
article/item/8228.html - 15.17 kB
A model of interaction between the socio-economic system and the geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
the socio-economic system and the geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 A model of … the socio-economic system and the geographical environment Zbyszko Chojnicki Geographia Polonica (1972) vol … the socio-economic system and the geographical environment, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Geographia Polonica (1972)
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An appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic development and recreation [33.33% relevance]
An appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic … (1977) vol. 34 An appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic … . 34, pp. 265-272 | An appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic
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From words to action: Improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment [33.33% relevance]
Improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment This article analyzes the impact of selected … Improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Aleš Smrekar … Improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Aleš Smrekar,
article/item/11047.html - 14.72 kB
Problems of protecting the natural environment against the background of the economic development of Lower Silesia [33.33% relevance]
Problems of protecting the natural environment against the background of the economic … 1977) vol. 34 Problems of protecting the natural environment against the background of the economic … pp. 273-278 | Problems of protecting the natural environment against the background of the economic
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Environment maps [33.33% relevance]
maps Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 Environment maps Stanisław Leszczycki Geographia Polonica ( … 1976) vol. 33 2, pp. 19-26 | Environment maps, Stanisław Leszczycki, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8503.html - 11.63 kB
Culture, perception and the environment [33.33% relevance]
Culture, perception and the environment Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 Culture, … perception and the environment W. A. Douglas Jackson Geographia Polonica (1977 … vol. 36, pp. 83-88 | Culture, perception and the environment, W. A. Douglas Jackson, Geographia Polonica (
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An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for tourism and recreation [33.33% relevance]
An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for tourism and recreation Geographia Polonica ( … 34 An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for tourism and recreation Jadwiga Warszyńska … | An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for tourism and recreation, Jadwiga Warszyńska,
article/item/8498.html - 11.92 kB
Protection of the human environment and tourism: Possibilities of co-operation of two spheres of human activity [33.33% relevance]
Protection of the human environment and tourism: Possibilities of co-operation of … Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Protection of the human environment and tourism: Possibilities of co-operation of … ) vol. 52, pp. 295-306 | Protection of the human environment and tourism: Possibilities of co-operation of
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Protection and development in the national parks of England and Wales: the role of the physical environment [33.33% relevance]
of England and Wales: the role of the physical environment Most of the industrial nations of the world, … of England and Wales: the role of the physical environment I. G. Simmons Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 … of England and Wales: the role of the physical environment, I. G. Simmons, Geographia Polonica (1977) vol.
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The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects [33.33% relevance]
impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects In order to show the influence … impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects Józef Żychowski Geographia … impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects, Józef Żychowski, Geographia
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A system-based approach to research concerning the geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
approach to research concerning the geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 A system- … approach to research concerning the geographical environment Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki Geographia Polonica ( … approach to research concerning the geographical environment, Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki, Geographia Polonica
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Maps of a natural geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
Maps of a natural geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Maps of a … natural geographical environment Mieczysław Dorywalski Geographia Polonica (1968 … 14, pp. 211-216 | Maps of a natural geographical environment, Mieczysław Dorywalski, Geographia Polonica (
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Study of geographical environment for the purpose of regional and local planning [33.33% relevance]
Study of geographical environment for the purpose of regional and local planning … Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Study of geographical environment for the purpose of regional and local planning … ) vol. 2, pp. 239-246 | Study of geographical environment for the purpose of regional and local planning,
article/item/9078.html - 11.89 kB
The role of man and extreme events in the transformation of environment at the margin of the Eastern Himalaya and their piedmont [33.33% relevance]
man and extreme events in the transformation of environment at the margin of the Eastern Himalaya and their … man and extreme events in the transformation of environment at the margin of the Eastern Himalaya and their … man and extreme events in the transformation of environment at the margin of the Eastern Himalaya and their
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The effect of the reservoir near Włocławek on the geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
the reservoir near Włocławek on the geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 1 The effect … the reservoir near Włocławek on the geographical environment Jan Szupryczyński Geographia Polonica (1976) vol … the reservoir near Włocławek on the geographical environment, Jan Szupryczyński, Geographia Polonica (1976)
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Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region [33.33% relevance]
Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A … Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A … Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A
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Problems of geographical environment in the system of spatial planning in Poland [33.33% relevance]
Problems of geographical environment in the system of spatial planning in Poland … Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Problems of geographical environment in the system of spatial planning in Poland … vol. 14, pp. 365-370 | Problems of geographical environment in the system of spatial planning in Poland,
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An economic approach to some problems in using geographical environment [33.33% relevance]
approach to some problems in using geographical environment Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 20 An economic … approach to some problems in using geographical environment Zbyszko Chojnicki Geographia Polonica (1972) vol … approach to some problems in using geographical environment, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Geographia Polonica (1972)
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Mapping of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
Mapping of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians Geographia Polonica ( … 1977) vol. 34 Mapping of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians Zdzisław Czeppe … vol. 34, pp. 69-72 | Mapping of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians, Zdzisław Czeppe,
article/item/8485.html - 11.72 kB
Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity [22.22% relevance]
Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research … to the study of relationshipsbetween humans, environment and place, and their tenacious role in … … ) vol. 87, iss. 3 Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research … ) vol. 87, iss. 3, pp. 409-421 | relationship, environment, space, place, paradigm, Warsaw Metropolitan … Area Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research
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The use of SEM morphoscopy in researching the litho-pedogenetic environments evolution of Late Pleistocene and Holocene [22.22% relevance]
and spatialchanges that have taken place in the environment. The underlying basis here is a system … … microscope (SEM), quartz grain, sedimentation environment, podsolic soils, central and northern Europe The
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Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be Expected in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate [11.11% relevance]
inthe state of the main components of the environment on the East European Plain at three … Geographia
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Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in North—West Scania, Sweden, during the Late Weichselian [11.11% relevance]
of the conditions of the cold climate environment during the Late Weichselian is made by means of
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Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study in Hungarian manufacturing companies [11.11% relevance]
, geographical location, social and economic environment, BAZ County, Hungary Key factors affecting
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Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 [11.11% relevance]
(1995) vol. 64 Conference on population and environment in industrialized regions, Warsaw and Cracow,
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An introduction to the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) [11.11% relevance]
Index (UTCI) The assessment of the thermal environment is one of the main issues in bioclimatic
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Georeferencing of historical maps using GIS, as exemplified by the Austrian Military Surveys of Galicia [11.11% relevance]
information about the state of the geographical environment. They represent the primary research material
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Timberline in the Carpathians: An overview [11.11% relevance]
, iss. 2, pp. 7-34 | boundaries in the mountain environment, timberline, Carpathians Timberline in the
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Some problems of the demographic structure of Polish cities [11.11% relevance]
space dependmainly on the geographical environment conditions, the historical-political
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A special regional environmental-social conflict on the Great Hungarian Plain [11.11% relevance]
Polonica (1995) vol. 64, pp. 167-176 | Environment, socio-economic conflicts, unemployment, Great
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The impact of deindustrialization and unemployment on family formation and fertility in East Germany [11.11% relevance]
) vol. 64, pp. 117-136 | Deindustrialization, environment, unemployment, family formation, fer-tility in
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From productivity to sustainability: resolving the contemporary crisis in United Kingdom farming and food? [11.11% relevance]
farming and food, sustainability, competition, environment, rural development, United Kingdom From
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Green infrastructure as a determinant of the quality of urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study [11.11% relevance]
study The quality of life and the residential environment in an urban space are considerably influenced by
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Allotment Keeping in Ljubljana [11.11% relevance]
gardener, leisure activity, protection of the environment, spatial planning, Ljubljana, Slovenia Allotment
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The place of geography in the studies on the Man and the Earth system [11.11% relevance]
(1994) vol. 63, pp. 13-20 | Man and Earth, environment, geography, ecosystem studies The place of
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Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 53 [11.11% relevance]
(1988) vol. 53 Changes in the geographical environment of Poland
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Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India [11.11% relevance]
present paper includes a characterization of the environment in the extremely humid Cherrapunji region (with
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The dynamics of the timberline ecotone on the asymmetric ridge of the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians [11.11% relevance]
developed because the temperatures in the environment were too low. There are other overlapping biotic
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