Results 1 - 17 of 17 for erosion. (0.0052 seconds)
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki Lakeland, Poland) [100.00% relevance]
their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki … Lakeland, Poland) Monitoring of soil erosion on selected slopes of the Suwałki Lakeland (NE … their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki … -164 | rainfall, extreme events, soil loss, soil erosion and deposition, NE Poland Extreme Rainfalls and … their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki
article/item/7696.html - 13.52 kB
Main phases of erosion and accumulation in the Prosna valley in the last glacial-interglacial cycle [80.00% relevance]
Main phases of erosion and accumulation in the Prosna valley in the … The problem of associating the main phases of erosion and accumulation in rivervalleys with specific … Polonica (1988) vol. 53 Main phases of erosion and accumulation in the Prosna valley in the … (1988) vol. 53, pp. 53-66 | Main phases of erosion and accumulation in the Prosna valley in the
article/item/8103.html - 14.23 kB
Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India [80.00% relevance]
Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, … 2002) vol. 75, iss. 1 Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, … . 1, pp. 43-65 | rainstorm, overland flow, soil erosion, Cherrapunji plateau, '7Cs Rainfall, runoff and … soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji,
article/item/3411.html - 15.8 kB
A quantitative comparison between rainfall erosion capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude region [60.00% relevance]
A quantitative comparison between rainfall erosion capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude … . 23 A quantitative comparison between rainfall erosion capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude … 150 | A quantitative comparison between rainfall erosion capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude
article/item/8680.html - 11.9 kB
Present-day water and wind erosion of soils in NE Poland [60.00% relevance]
Present-day water and wind erosion of soils in NE Poland Geographia Polonica (1972 … ) vol. 23 Present-day water and wind erosion of soils in NE Poland Michal Skrodzki Geographia … vol. 23, pp. 77-92 | Present-day water and wind erosion of soils in NE Poland, Michal Skrodzki,
article/item/8677.html - 11.76 kB
Efficacy of inland-ice erosion in the Małopolska upland during the Middle Polish (Riss) glaciation [60.00% relevance]
Efficacy of inland-ice erosion in the Małopolska upland during the Middle … Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Efficacy of inland-ice erosion in the Małopolska upland during the Middle … 1964) vol. 2, pp. 23-30 | Efficacy of inland-ice erosion in the Małopolska upland during the Middle
article/item/9050.html - 11.95 kB
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of land use. A case study of the valleys of the Drwęca and the lower Vistula [60.00% relevance]
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of … 34 Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of … | Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of
article/item/8493.html - 12.35 kB
Testing of differential elevation models based on combined airborne and long-range terrestrial laser scanning for assessment of river bank erosion [60.00% relevance]
laser scanning for assessment of river bank erosion Geographia Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4 … laser scanning for assessment of river bank erosion Sebastian Tyszkowski, Halina Kaczmarek, Szymon … laser scanning for assessment of river bank erosion, Sebastian Tyszkowski, Halina Kaczmarek, Szymon
article/item/11107.html - 13.77 kB
Soil splash as an important agent of erosion [60.00% relevance]
Soil splash as an important agent of erosion Geographia Polonica (1990) vol. 58 Soil splash … as an important agent of erosion Berthold Bauer Geographia Polonica (1990) vol. … . 99-111 | Soil splash as an important agent of erosion, Berthold Bauer, Geographia Polonica (1990) vol
article/item/8035.html - 11.71 kB
On the effect of the preglacial relief on the course and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts [60.00% relevance]
on the course and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Geographia Polonica (1964) vol … on the course and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts Mieczysław Klimaszewski … on the course and the magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mts, Mieczysław Klimaszewski,
article/item/9049.html - 11.92 kB
Slope processes in North Scandinavia and Late Holocene climatic impact [20.00% relevance]
impact A review of previous studies on slope erosion in Scandinavia introduces a case study of past
article/item/8087.html - 12.95 kB
Land use changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free-market economics [20.00% relevance]
(LULC) and their impact on potential soil erosion, road density as transfer routes of material and
article/item/11335.html - 14.71 kB
Human and climate impacts on the Holocene landscape development in southern Germany [20.00% relevance]
, paleoenvironmental system, prehistoric soil erosion, Southern Bavaria Human and climate impacts on
article/item/7741.html - 14.13 kB
Dynamics of the Polish coast east of Ustka [20.00% relevance]
zone, cliff, Southern Baltic, extreme storms, erosion. Dynamics of the Polish coast east of Ustka,
article/item/7659.html - 13.69 kB
Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians [20.00% relevance]
below the upper timberline, and in relation to erosion, mass … Geographia Polonica (2008) vol. 81, iss
article/item/7683.html - 13.72 kB
Quantifying Holocene Surface Lowering of Limestone Pavements in Previously Glaciated Environments [20.00% relevance]
Valuable estimates of Holocene solutional erosion rates are offered by ice-scouredlimestone
article/item/7676.html - 13.82 kB
Bed material extraction and its effects on the forms and processes of the lower Balason River in the Darjeeling Himalayas, India [20.00% relevance]
. 88, iss. 3, pp. 393-405 | Balason River, bed erosion, bed material extraction, Darjeeling Himalayas,
article/item/10060.html - 14.4 kB