Results 1 - 12 of 12 for glaciation (0.0004 seconds)
Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley (Maramureş Mountains, Romania) [100.00% relevance]
Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley ( … Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1 Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley ( … , Maramureş Mountains, Romania Late Pleistocene glaciation in the headwaters of the Ceremuşul Alb valley (
article/item/13543.html - 15.98 kB
Periglacial structures in Svalbard as indicators of a Central European climate in the last glaciation [100.00% relevance]
of a Central European climate in the last glaciation Contrary to widely held opinions, the … of a Central European climate in the last glaciation Alfred Jahn Geographia Polonica (1992) vol. 60, … of a Central European climate in the last glaciation, Alfred Jahn, Geographia Polonica (1992) vol. 60
article/item/8006.html - 13.57 kB
The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland [100.00% relevance]
The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland Geographia Polonica ( … 1969) vol. 17 The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland Józef Edward Mojski … . 17, pp. 73-92 | The Stratigraphy of the Last Glaciation in the Territory of Poland, Józef Edward Mojski
article/item/8757.html - 11.81 kB
Conditions of occurrence and distribution of kame landscapes in the Peribalticum within the area of the last glaciation [100.00% relevance]
in the Peribalticum within the area of the last glaciation Geographia Polonica (1965) vol. 6 Conditions of … in the Peribalticum within the area of the last glaciation Niewiarowski Władysław Geographia Polonica (1965 … in the Peribalticum within the area of the last glaciation, Niewiarowski Władysław, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8979.html - 12.09 kB
Efficacy of inland-ice erosion in the Małopolska upland during the Middle Polish (Riss) glaciation [100.00% relevance]
upland during the Middle Polish (Riss) glaciation Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Efficacy of … upland during the Middle Polish (Riss) glaciation Kazimierz Klimek Geographia Polonica (1964) vol … upland during the Middle Polish (Riss) glaciation, Kazimierz Klimek, Geographia Polonica (1964)
article/item/9050.html - 11.95 kB
Glacial sedimentary forms of the present-day glaciation in Spitsbergen [100.00% relevance]
Glacial sedimentary forms of the present-day glaciation in Spitsbergen Geographia Polonica (1984) vol. … 50 Glacial sedimentary forms of the present-day glaciation in Spitsbergen Jan Szupryczyński Geographia … | Glacial sedimentary forms of the present-day glaciation in Spitsbergen, Jan Szupryczyński, Geographia
article/item/8205.html - 12.3 kB
The First Polish-Swedish Seminar on "Environmental changes in Poland and Sweden after the maximum of the last glaciation" [66.67% relevance]
Poland and Sweden after the maximum of the last glaciation" The seminar programme included paper sessions … Poland and Sweden after the maximum of the last glaciation" Stefan Kozarski Geographia Polonica (1988) vol
article/item/8074.html - 12.6 kB
High-mountain Elements in the Geomorphology of the Sudetes, the Bohemian Massif, and Their Significance [33.33% relevance]
1, pp. 101-116 | high mountains, geomorphology, glaciation, debris flows, Sudetes, Bohemian Massif High-
article/item/7684.html - 14.15 kB
Penultimate period of deglaciation in the Grudziądz Basin, Lower Vistula River Valley: An interstadial-like interval of the middle Wiirm [33.33% relevance]
sheet of the Last (Baltic, North Polish, Wiirm) Glaciation in the … Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 31
article/item/8553.html - 13.14 kB
Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 55 [33.33% relevance]
Poland and Sweden after the maximum of the last glaciation : proceedings of the First Polish-Swedish
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Geomorphology of the Sowie Mountains (Sudetes, SW Poland) – Landform patterns and anthropogenic impact [33.33% relevance]
, planation surfaces, drainage network, crags, glaciation, anthropic landforms, digital terrain models,
article/item/13548.html - 15.75 kB
The question of drainage of the Warsaw ice-dammed lake, Central Poland [33.33% relevance]
spillway during the Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation is … Geographia Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 3
article/item/13954.html - 15.5 kB