Results 1 - 7 of 7 for hierarchy (0.0021 seconds)
Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the Netherlands [100.00% relevance]
Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 1 Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the … , venture capital activity Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the
article/item/7812.html - 13.93 kB
A hierarchy of world types of agriculture [100.00% relevance]
A hierarchy of world types of agriculture Geographia … Polonica (1980) vol. 43 A hierarchy of world types of agriculture Jerzy Kostrowicki … Polonica (1980) vol. 43, pp. 125-148 | A hierarchy of world types of agriculture, Jerzy Kostrowicki
article/item/8306.html - 11.72 kB
A multi-facetal concept of urban hierarchy: With special reference to the Polish urban system [100.00% relevance]
A multi-facetal concept of urban hierarchy: With special reference to the Polish urban … (1984) vol. 50 A multi-facetal concept of urban hierarchy: With special reference to the Polish urban … 50, pp. 15-24 | A multi-facetal concept of urban hierarchy: With special reference to the Polish urban
article/item/8180.html - 11.97 kB
Hierarchical distortions within the Romanian urban system [33.33% relevance]
up in the general configuration of the urban hierarchy in Romania.The main … Geographia Polonica (1997
article/item/7855.html - 13.64 kB
A synthetic index of the spatio-temporal accessibility of communes in Poland [33.33% relevance]
indices, proximity, peripherality, settlement hierarchy, Poland A synthetic index of the spatio-temporal
article/item/10721.html - 14.07 kB
Poverty indicators in a metropolitan city: Hyderabad [33.33% relevance]
) vol. 69, pp. 183-201 | slums, characteristics, hierarchy, poverty alleviation Poverty indicators in a
article/item/7863.html - 13.04 kB
Control functions within large cities and foreign direct investment in the transport sector: Empirical evidence from Poland [33.33% relevance]
out by the authors on single transport FDI, a hierarchy of the ten largest Polish cities is created, and
article/item/10321.html - 14.88 kB