Results 1 - 14 of 14 for intensity (0.1293 seconds)
Changes in the intensity and frequency of occurrence of droughts in Poland (1891-1995) [100.00% relevance]
Changes in the intensity and frequency of occurrence of droughts in … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2 Changes in the intensity and frequency of occurrence of droughts in … -48 | atmospheric drought, hydrological drought, intensity, frequency, changes, Poland Changes in the
article/item/7784.html - 14.18 kB
Relations between land use intensity and the size of towns in Poland [75.00% relevance]
Relations between land use intensity and the size of towns in Poland Geographia … (1977) vol. 37 Relations between land use intensity and the size of towns in Poland Witold Kusiński … . 37, pp. 121-132 | Relations between land use intensity and the size of towns in Poland, Witold Kusiński
article/item/8432.html - 11.82 kB
The Location and Intensity of Farming Systems [75.00% relevance]
The Location and Intensity of Farming Systems Geographia Polonica (1970) … vol. 19 The Location and Intensity of Farming Systems Alec N. Duckham, Geoffrey B. … (1970) vol. 19, pp. 55-70 | The Location and Intensity of Farming Systems, Alec N. Duckham, Geoffrey B
article/item/8719.html - 11.88 kB
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of land use. A case study of the valleys of the Drwęca and the lower Vistula [75.00% relevance]
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural … (1977) vol. 34 Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural … . 34, pp. 175-194 | Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural
article/item/8493.html - 12.35 kB
Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in Poland [75.00% relevance]
Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in … (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in … , Poland, climate change Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in
article/item/7601.html - 14.14 kB
The role of habitat heterogenity in the relationships between soil properties and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland) [25.00% relevance]
of agricultural treatments of different intensity. Consequently, spatial … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/10608.html - 14.59 kB
The social and economic interaction of urban and rural land-uses on the western perphery of Edinburgh [25.00% relevance]
by a zone of varyingdimensions within which the intensity of urbanisation tends to decrease withdistance
article/item/8661.html - 13.44 kB
Reviving villages – a proposal for a concept and identification. A methodological approach [25.00% relevance]
Reviving” entails various symptoms of increasing intensity in … Geographia Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 1
article/item/12894.html - 16.05 kB
Slope processes in North Scandinavia and Late Holocene climatic impact [25.00% relevance]
a case study of past and recent slope process intensity on Andoya Island in Northern Norway. The pilot
article/item/8087.html - 12.95 kB
Research on the dynamics of the inter-regional commodity flows [25.00% relevance]
commodity flows From an analysis of allocation, intensity and structure of the com-modity flows we shall
article/item/8889.html - 13.5 kB
Changes in the role and permeability of Polish borders [25.00% relevance]
in the last seven years, as has the intensity of the traffic … Geographia Polonica (2001) vol
article/item/3003.html - 13.6 kB
The Dynamics of Recent Geomorphic Processes in the Alpine Zone of the Tatra Mountains [25.00% relevance]
mountain georelief is evidently transformed into intensity and rangeof impact of gravitational, water- or
article/item/7680.html - 14.62 kB
Bed material extraction and its effects on the forms and processes of the lower Balason River in the Darjeeling Himalayas, India [25.00% relevance]
River in the Darjeeling Himalayas, India High intensity rains bring about landslides and high surface
article/item/10060.html - 14.4 kB
Evolution of the Paglajhora slump valley in the Shiv Khola Basin, the Darjeeling Himalaya, India [25.00% relevance]
, colluvium slope, palaeo-landslides, high intensity rainstorm, Darjeeling Himalaya, India. Evolution
article/item/7648.html - 13.75 kB