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An online database of Polish towns and historical landscapes using an Internet map server [100.00% relevance]
Polish towns and historical landscapes using an Internet map server A database of Polish towns and … has been compiled and made available on the Internet. Lists of towns and … Geographia Polonica (2002 … Polish towns and historical landscapes using an Internet map server Takashi Oguchi, Kyoji Saito, Midori … 117 | Poland, towns, historical landscapes, GIS, Internet map server An online database of Polish towns … and historical landscapes using an Internet map server, Takashi Oguchi, Kyoji Saito, Midori
article/item/7768.html - 14.15 kB
The Hotspot—a new technology, but is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet? [80.00% relevance]
, but is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet? While an analysis of hotspots might identify … , but is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet? Dariusz Ilnicki, Krzysztof Janc Geographia … ) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 55-65 | hotspot, Wi-Fi, Internet, world, Poland The Hotspot—a new technology, but … is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet?, Dariusz Ilnicki, Krzysztof Janc, Geographia
article/item/7655.html - 14.58 kB
A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium [60.00% relevance]
We stand on the cusp of an era when anyone with internet access can make a map. With six billion … mobilephone subscribers and 2.3 billion internet users will GIS play much of a role … Geographia … iss. 2, pp. 241-250 | GIS, information society, internet, data-driven science, ubiquitous computing A
article/item/9443.html - 13.16 kB