Results 1 - 29 of 29 for management (0.0187 seconds)
Uncertainty in water management [100.00% relevance]
Uncertainty in water management Water management is choice in face of bounded uncertainty ( … Polonica (1998) vol. 71 Uncertainty in water management Janusz Żelaziński Geographia Polonica (1998) vol … . 71, pp. 109-119 | uncertainty, water management, decisionmaking, risk Uncertainty in water
article/item/7837.html - 16.31 kB
Concepts of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the lower Maas catchment [100.00% relevance]
of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the lower Maas catchment This paper discusses … of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the lower Maas catchment Jef Vandenberghe, … Part 2, pp. 141-153 | dynamic equilibrium, river management, climate change, water management, human impact … of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the lower Maas catchment, Jef Vandenberghe,
article/item/7650.html - 15.63 kB
Water resource management challenges facing industrial societies: the Polish case [80.00% relevance]
Water resource management challenges facing industrial societies: the … Polonica (1995) vol. 64 Water resource management challenges facing industrial societies: the … urbanization-environmental issues; water supply management; drinking water regulation Water resource
article/item/7912.html - 13.07 kB
Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management [80.00% relevance]
Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management It is widely taken for granted that the climate … . 62 Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management Ryszard B. Zeidler Geographia Polonica (1994) … ; sea level rise; shore protection; coastal management; Poland's coast vulnerability to sea level rise … Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management, Ryszard B. Zeidler, Geographia Polonica (1994)
article/item/7942.html - 14.69 kB
The Basics Of Sustainable Forest Management In Forest Promotional Complexes [80.00% relevance]
The Basics Of Sustainable Forest Management In Forest Promotional Complexes The intent to … vol. 85, iss. 2 The Basics Of Sustainable Forest Management In Forest Promotional Complexes Kazimierz … (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2, pp. 47-55 | forest management, closed to nature forestry, dead wood, Forest … Complex The Basics Of Sustainable Forest Management In Forest Promotional Complexes, Kazimierz
article/item/7820.html - 13.19 kB
The impact of traditional land use management on soil quality in Northeastern Himalayas (India) [80.00% relevance]
The impact of traditional land use management on soil quality in Northeastern Himalayas (India … . 94, iss. 1 The impact of traditional land use management on soil quality in Northeastern Himalayas (India … (2021) vol. 94, iss. 1, pp. 91-109 | land use management, Forests, cropland, soil quality, Northeast … Himalayas The impact of traditional land use management on soil quality in Northeastern Himalayas (India
article/item/12898.html - 14.94 kB
Down dead wood in a forest – still an obstacle to forest management or already an ecological issue? [80.00% relevance]
wood in a forest – still an obstacle to forest management or already an ecological issue? This paper … wood in a forest – still an obstacle to forest management or already an ecological issue? Jacek Wolski … , Forest Promotional Complexes, forest management, dead wood volume Down dead wood in a forest – … still an obstacle to forest management or already an ecological issue?, Jacek Wolski,
article/item/7559.html - 13.99 kB
Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century [60.00% relevance]
Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century The paper … , … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century Zdzisław … change; irrigation; water resources Water Management in South Asia in the 21st Century, Zdzisław
article/item/7842.html - 13.53 kB
The management of heathlands for amenity purposes in South-East England [60.00% relevance]
The management of heathlands for amenity purposes in South-East … group, … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 24 The management of heathlands for amenity purposes in South-East … Polonica (1972) vol. 24, pp. 227-240 | The management of heathlands for amenity purposes in South-East
article/item/8669.html - 13.63 kB
Phytoindication methods in landscape planning and management [60.00% relevance]
methods in landscape planning and management The recent fast development of processes of' … methods in landscape planning and management Marek Degórski Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. … methods in landscape planning and management, Marek Degórski, Geographia Polonica (1986) vol
article/item/8135.html - 14.28 kB
Energy resource management in the UK: the case of coal [60.00% relevance]
Energy resource management in the UK: the case of coal Geographia Polonica … (1985) vol. 51 Energy resource management in the UK: the case of coal Derek J. Spooner … (1985) vol. 51, pp. 213-228 | Energy resource management in the UK: the case of coal, Derek J. Spooner,
article/item/8170.html - 11.66 kB
"Seasonal suburbanization" in Moscow oblast’: Challenges of household waste management [40.00% relevance]
in Moscow oblast’: Challenges of household waste management Second homes used for recreation are widespread … in Moscow oblast’: Challenges of household waste management Maria Gunko, Andrey Medvedev Geographia Polonica
article/item/10714.html - 13.82 kB
Pasture landscape durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland) [40.00% relevance]
durability, pasture landscape, mountain land management, agricultural abandonment, mountain grazing, … rangeland pastures, rangeland management • Western Carpathian Mountains • Silesian and
article/item/11336.html - 14.13 kB
Land acquisition and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A comparison of the Polish legal framework with its German counterpart [40.00% relevance]
Regeneration Act 2015 (UR 2015) the Polish land management system did not provide sufficient quantity and … (2018) vol. 91, iss. 3, pp. 353-369 | land management, planning framework, land-use planning, land
article/item/11411.html - 14.42 kB
The influence of possible climate change on the systemof reservoirs of the Upper Vistula river (abstract) [20.00% relevance]
vol. 71, pp. 127 | multireservoir system, water management, climate change, reliability criteria The
article/item/7840.html - 12.69 kB
The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services [20.00% relevance]
, ecosystem service bundles, sustainable forest management, forest habitat types, forest regions, State
article/item/13861.html - 16.98 kB
Planned segregation: Cape Town and Brasilia [20.00% relevance]
and planners inurban planning and city management. We stress that those are political acts.
article/item/7862.html - 12.97 kB
Landscape Heritage between Areal Preservation and Areal Development – the Case of Czechia [20.00% relevance]
heritage, areal preservation, landscape management, areal development, spatial planning, Czechia
article/item/7673.html - 13.89 kB
Spatial planning in floodplains for implementation by the Floods Directive in Poland [20.00% relevance]
changes made in Polish laws concerning water management and spatial planning. These changes resulted
article/item/9417.html - 13.02 kB
Sensitivity of a large flow-through lake to meteorological condition and anthropogenic stress (hydromorphological assessment) [20.00% relevance]
morphometry, lake sensitivity, natural resources management, physical limnology Sensitivity of a large flow-
article/item/11101.html - 14.68 kB
Impacts of fluvial land form evolution and global change in urban environments [20.00% relevance]
, palimpsest, urban channel changes, urban management methods, global change Impacts of fluvial land
article/item/7643.html - 13.49 kB
The role of forest ecosystems and wood in controlling the absorption and emission of carbon dioxide [20.00% relevance]
(2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 65-88 | forest management, climate change, carbon sequestration, wood
article/item/7786.html - 14.59 kB
Exploring memorable gastronomic experiences: Automatic topic modelling of TripAdvisor reviews [20.00% relevance]
, culinary experiences, Krakow, restaurant management, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, sentiment analysis
article/item/13682.html - 15.68 kB
Ecosystem services – classification and different approaches at various levels of biosphere organisation - a literature review [20.00% relevance]
services, ecological and spatial scale, management, land use, biodiversity Ecosystem services –
article/item/7576.html - 14.36 kB
The influence of anthropopressure on water relations in the Wielkopolska Lowland [20.00% relevance]
80 | anthropopressure on water conditions, water management, drainage work, Wielkopolska Lowland, Central
article/item/7881.html - 13.43 kB
What strategies make compatible the stakes of nature conservation and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria [20.00% relevance]
countries. However,in some countries, nature management policies do not pay much … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/11746.html - 15.21 kB
Hydrological consequences of human action in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region [20.00% relevance]
) vol. 68, pp. 117-147 | anthropopressure, water management, water quality, environmental protection,
article/item/7884.html - 13.71 kB
Assessment of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating the impacts of greenhouse gases) [20.00% relevance]
carbon sequestration, wood utilization, forest management, climate change Assessment of the importance of
article/item/7802.html - 14.79 kB
The role and importance of Promotion Centers in creating the image of tourist destination: Romania [20.00% relevance]
from those involved, if tourist-destination management is to be optimized. In that context, the …
article/item/11847.html - 15.82 kB