Results 1 - 5 of 5 for medium-sized towns (0.0047 seconds)
Formation of a new structure of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns [100.00% relevance]
of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized … of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized … of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized … in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns This paper is the result of research on … diversity of socio-spatial structures in medium-sized cities in the coastal zone of Poland (Pomerania … in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns Wioletta Szymańska Geographia Polonica ( … | socio-spatial structures, intra-urban space, medium-sized cities, Pomerania, Lębork, Szczecinek, Wałcz … in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns, Wioletta Szymańska, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8908.html - 13.82 kB
Polish presidential electionof 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns [81.82% relevance]
2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns In the literature on the subject, … 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns Roman Matykowski, Katarzyna Kulczyńska … (2011) vol. 84, iss. 2, pp. 93-113 | big and medium-sized towns, electoral types of towns, Poland Polish … 2010: a study of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns, Roman Matykowski, Katarzyna Kulczyńska, … of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns In the literature on the subject, urbanisation … of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns Roman Matykowski, Katarzyna Kulczyńska … . 84, iss. 2, pp. 93-113 | big and medium-sized towns, electoral types of towns, Poland Polish … of the power of voters in big and medium-sized towns, Roman Matykowski, Katarzyna Kulczyńska,
article/item/7622.html - 13.77 kB
City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR [54.55% relevance]
City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR As in other countries the … . 44 City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR Rudolf Kronert Geographia … | City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR, Rudolf Kronert, Geographia … regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR As in other countries the settlement … regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR Rudolf Kronert Geographia Polonica ( … regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR, Rudolf Kronert, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8286.html - 13.9 kB
L'étude dynamique de la mobilité socio-spatiale ou les difficultés d'une recherche [45.45% relevance]
-spatiale ou les difficultés d'une recherche Medium-sized towns have shown exceptional dynamics during the … ) vol. 61, pp. 73-84 | socio-spatial mobility, medium-sized towns, migrations, longitudinal analysis L'étude … ou les difficultés d'une recherche Medium-sized towns have shown exceptional dynamics during the … has involved an importantsocial change, as towns act as … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 L' … pp. 73-84 | socio-spatial mobility, medium-sized towns, migrations, longitudinal analysis L'étude
article/item/7953.html - 12.88 kB
Shifts in urban hierarchy? The case of finan-cial services in the Netherlands [18.18% relevance]
and innovation, particular medium-sized towns … Geographia Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 1 … flows, creativity and innovation, particular medium-sized towns … Geographia Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss
article/item/7812.html - 13.93 kB