Results 1 - 20 of 20 for mobility (0.0033 seconds)
Social response and spatial mobility change due to COVID-19 pandemic in Poland [100.00% relevance]
Social response and spatial mobility change due to COVID-19 pandemic in Poland As … ) vol. 94, iss. 3 Social response and spatial mobility change due to COVID-19 pandemic in Poland Joanna … , iss. 3, pp. 381-396 | social response, spatial mobility change, COVID-19 pandemic, Poland Social … response and spatial mobility change due to COVID-19 pandemic in Poland,
article/item/12992.html - 18.09 kB
Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration [100.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 1 Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air … . 1, pp. 77-93 | Geo-political change, borders, mobility, aviation, the Baltic Sea Region Mobility and
article/item/11208.html - 14.55 kB
Spatial population mobility in Poland, 1952-1985 [75.00% relevance]
Spatial population mobility in Poland, 1952-1985 This paper contains a … Polonica (1992) vol. 59 Spatial population mobility in Poland, 1952-1985 Andrzej Gawryszewski … (1992) vol. 59, pp. 69-78 | Spatial population mobility in Poland, 1952-1985, Andrzej Gawryszewski,
article/item/8019.html - 12.97 kB
EU 7 FP project Governing urban divercity: Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities (DIVERCITIES) – The case of Warsaw [75.00% relevance]
divercity: Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper- … divercity: Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper- … divercity: Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-
article/item/10926.html - 12.55 kB
Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and illustrations [75.00% relevance]
Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts … … Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts … Polonica (1986) vol. 52, pp. 171-178 | Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts
article/item/8143.html - 13.36 kB
Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and their accessibility in urban space [75.00% relevance]
Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 3 Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and … component analysis, Bydgoszcz, Poland Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and
article/item/7602.html - 14.44 kB
Spatial mobility of the population in Poland. An attempt of an integrated approach [75.00% relevance]
Spatial mobility of the population in Poland. An attempt of an … Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 Spatial mobility of the population in Poland. An attempt of an … Polonica (1981) vol. 44, pp. 225-238 | Spatial mobility of the population in Poland. An attempt of an
article/item/8293.html - 11.94 kB
Migration and social mobility in Poland [75.00% relevance]
Migration and social mobility in Poland Geographia Polonica (1992) vol. 59 … Migration and social mobility in Poland Janusz Witkowski Geographia Polonica ( … 1992) vol. 59, pp. 87-94 | Migration and social mobility in Poland, Janusz Witkowski, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8022.html - 11.69 kB
Mobility of Poland's population and its specific reasons [75.00% relevance]
reasons Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Mobility of Poland's population and its specific reasons … Polonica (1968) vol. 14, pp. 313-320 | Mobility of Poland's population and its specific reasons
article/item/8835.html - 11.79 kB
Age patterns and model migration schedules in Poland [50.00% relevance]
In the past years, studies on human spatial mobility has benefited from the greater availablity of … aggregate data. Research on mobility has been broadly concerned with the … Geographia
article/item/8094.html - 14.39 kB
Mobilité et migrations dans et vers l'espace périurbain en Ile de Prance [25.00% relevance]
(1993) vol. 61, pp. 265-280 | residential mobility, periurban area, single family housing units
article/item/7968.html - 13.89 kB
Towns and metropolitan areas in Switzerland: a centrality in metamorphosis through mutations in the work force and selective migrations [25.00% relevance]
90 | Globalisation, metropolisation, centrality, mobility - division of labour, professional qualification
article/item/7856.html - 15.09 kB
Social and transport exclusion [25.00% relevance]
, social exclusion, poverty, accessibility, mobility, transport disadvantage, transport inequality
article/item/11044.html - 13.88 kB
Home-work distances and the urbanized society: a macro-micro level question [25.00% relevance]
119-134 | home-work relations, suburbanization, mobility Home-work distances and the urbanized society: a
article/item/7859.html - 12.92 kB
Le changement de résidence intra-urbain, de la mobilité résidentielle au dispositif migratoire [25.00% relevance]
(1993) vol. 61, pp. 235-246 | residential mobility, intra-urban migrations, social change Le
article/item/7966.html - 13.03 kB
Possibile secondary mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change [25.00% relevance]
-108 | climate change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in sediments, chemical time bombs Possibile
article/item/7836.html - 13.46 kB
Intra-urban migration in the Warsaw urban region [25.00% relevance]
region The author presents the study of spatial mobility of population within theurban region of Warsaw.
article/item/7969.html - 12.52 kB
Changes in migrational patterns during the crisis and reform in Poland [25.00% relevance]
by A. Gawryszew-ski on spatial population mobility in Poland in 1952-1985, and two papers of my own
article/item/8021.html - 13.1 kB
Diverse and different: On the faces of social solidarity in Warsaw [25.00% relevance]
of social solidarity in Warsaw Growing spatial mobility is a challenge to cities in many ways. It brings
article/item/11045.html - 14.45 kB
L'étude dynamique de la mobilité socio-spatiale ou les difficultés d'une recherche [25.00% relevance]
(1993) vol. 61, pp. 73-84 | socio-spatial mobility, medium-sized towns, migrations, longitudinal
article/item/7953.html - 12.88 kB