Results 1 - 5 of 5 for radiocarbon (0.0042 seconds)
Time and dynamics of the Last Scandinavian Ice-Sheet retreat from northwestern Poland [100.00% relevance]
northwestern Poland A time-scale calibrated in radiocarbon years has allowed the last glacial episode in
article/item/8081.html - 13.3 kB
Evolution of the Holocene alluvial fan of the River Stryi in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians (Western Ukraine) [100.00% relevance]
generations of palaeochannels, alluvial fills, radiocarbon dating, flood phases, Stryi-Zhydachiv Basin,
article/item/13551.html - 15.81 kB
Evolution of isotopic composition and concentration of atmospheric CO2 as a result of anthropogenic influences [100.00% relevance]
(1994) vol. 62, pp. 61-72 | fossil fuels, radiocarbon, CO2 concentration, stable isotopes Evolution of
article/item/7940.html - 13.9 kB
Stratigraphy of alluvial fills and phases of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland [100.00% relevance]
flood events were studied on thebasis of 50 radiocarbon dates as well as sedimentological and
article/item/7632.html - 14.1 kB
Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new numerical dating [100.00% relevance]
, Early Upper Palaeolithic, optoluminescence, radiocarbon dating, Poland Late Middle Palaeolithic and
article/item/13956.html - 15.92 kB