Results 1 - 6 of 6 for reservoirs (0.0053 seconds)
Hydrochemical differentiation of selected reservoirs in Carpathian Mts. and Eastern European Lowland [100.00% relevance]
Hydrochemical differentiation of selected reservoirs in Carpathian Mts. and Eastern European Lowland … chemical composition of two groups of artificial reservoirs, mountain and lowland ones, characterised by … … iss. 1 Hydrochemical differentiation of selected reservoirs in Carpathian Mts. and Eastern European Lowland … , iss. 1, pp. 121-133 | water chemistry, lowland reservoirs, mountain reservoirs, Upper Volga basin, Vistula … basin Hydrochemical differentiation of selected reservoirs in Carpathian Mts. and Eastern European Lowland
article/item/12442.html - 15.23 kB
Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study [83.33% relevance]
Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study This paper … on physical and biological processes in storage reservoirs supplying water for domestic use and industry. … Impact of climate change on water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study Danuta Jurak … ) vol. 71, pp. 93-101 | temperature of water, reservoirs, climate impact Impact of climate change on … water temperature in reservoirs Sulejów Reservoir case study, Danuta Jurak,
article/item/7834.html - 13.07 kB
Differentiation of temporal water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland) [66.67% relevance]
water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland) This article compares … a hydrological year, in the two Carpathian reservoirs:the Besko and the Klimkówka. The analyzed … water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland) Łukasz Wiejaczka, … water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland), Łukasz Wiejaczka,
article/item/7603.html - 14.98 kB
The influence of possible climate change on the systemof reservoirs of the Upper Vistula river (abstract) [50.00% relevance]
of possible climate change on the systemof reservoirs of the Upper Vistula river (abstract) Geographia … of possible climate change on the systemof reservoirs of the Upper Vistula river (abstract) Jarosław J … of possible climate change on the systemof reservoirs of the Upper Vistula river (abstract), Jarosław
article/item/7840.html - 12.69 kB
The silting processes of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland [50.00% relevance]
The silting processes of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Geographia Polonica (1978 … 41 The silting processes of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Kazimierz Więckowski … | The silting processes of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland, Kazimierz Więckowski,
article/item/8337.html - 12.01 kB
Influence of dam reservoirs on changes of water conditions in the Lower Vistula -valley [50.00% relevance]
Influence of dam reservoirs on changes of water conditions in the Lower … Polonica (1984) vol. 50 Influence of dam reservoirs on changes of water conditions in the Lower … (1984) vol. 50, pp. 283-296 | Influence of dam reservoirs on changes of water conditions in the Lower
article/item/8200.html - 13.49 kB