Results 1 - 14 of 14 for Slovakia (0.0041 seconds)
Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in Slovakia [100.00% relevance]
Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in Slovakia Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age (LIA; … ca 1250-1890 AD) in Slovakia wasmarked by the increased occurrence and … 1 Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in Slovakia Milos Stankoviansky, Peter Pišút Geographia … flows, landslides, rockfalls, Little Ice Age, Slovakia Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in
article/item/7637.html - 14.16 kB
Spatial patterns and time-accessibility of supplier network of the automotive industry in Slovakia [100.00% relevance]
supplier network of the automotive industry in Slovakia The article deals with the spatial pattern of … -accessibility to four car assembly plants in Slovakia. Empirical … Geographia Polonica (2022) vol. 95 … supplier network of the automotive industry in Slovakia Jaroslav Rusnák, Pavol Ďurček, Milan Takáč, … network, time-accessibility, spatial pattern, Slovakia Spatial patterns and time-accessibility of … supplier network of the automotive industry in Slovakia, Jaroslav Rusnák, Pavol Ďurček, Milan Takáč,
article/item/13269.html - 16.57 kB
Main problems of transport infrastructure development in Slovakia and effects on regional development [80.00% relevance]
of transport infrastructure development in Slovakia and effects on regional development The aim of … of transport infrastructure development in Slovakia and effects on regional development Daniel … , regional disparities, regional structure, Slovakia Main problems of transport infrastructure … development in Slovakia and effects on regional development, Daniel
article/item/9925.html - 14.06 kB
Elite diversities in practice: The case of frequent flyers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia [80.00% relevance]
of frequent flyers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Due to deregulation of air traffic flying has … of frequent flyers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Veronika Zuskáčová, Daniel Seidenglanz … programmes, mobile elite, the Czech Republic • Slovakia Elite diversities in practice: The case of … frequent flyers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Veronika Zuskáčová, Daniel Seidenglanz,
article/item/11807.html - 17.82 kB
Intensive tourist-related urbanisation impacts on a mountain village: The case study of Veľká Lomnica in Slovakia [80.00% relevance]
village: The case study of Veľká Lomnica in Slovakia A key feature of contemporary tourism is massive … village: The case study of Veľká Lomnica in Slovakia Lucia Petrikovičová, Alfred Krogmann, Dana … , impact of tourism, Veľká Lomnica municipality, Slovakia Intensive tourist-related urbanisation impacts … village: The case study of Veľká Lomnica in Slovakia, Lucia Petrikovičová, Alfred Krogmann, Dana
article/item/11844.html - 15.85 kB
The recent timberline changes in the Tatra Mountains: A case study of the Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and the Rybi Potok Valley (Poland) [80.00% relevance]
: A case study of the Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and the Rybi Potok Valley (Poland) A comparison … of 21st century, in Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and Rybi Potok Valley (Poland). These are two … : A case study of the Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and the Rybi Potok Valley (Poland) Ryszard J. … : A case study of the Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and the Rybi Potok Valley (Poland), Ryszard J.
article/item/9975.html - 16.65 kB
Future geography graduates - how much their degree matters? Student expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia [60.00% relevance]
expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Higher education has been perceived as a value, … expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Eva Polonyová, Marcel Horňák, Ivan Zelko, … expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, Eva Polonyová, Marcel Horňák, Ivan Zelko,
article/item/10921.html - 14.71 kB
Spatial modelling of avalanches by application of GIS on selected slopes of the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia [60.00% relevance]
the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia The avalanches represent a significant and very … the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia Martin Boltižiar, Marek Biskupič, Ivan Barka … the Western Tatra Mts. and Belianske Tatra Mts., Slovakia, Martin Boltižiar, Marek Biskupič, Ivan Barka,
article/item/10465.html - 14.51 kB
Research on Economic Regionalization of Slovakia [60.00% relevance]
Research on Economic Regionalization of Slovakia Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 4 Research on … Economic Regionalization of Slovakia Koloman Tvanicka Geographia Polonica (1964) vol … -142 | Research on Economic Regionalization of Slovakia, Koloman Tvanicka, Geographia Polonica (1964)
article/item/9021.html - 11.64 kB
Gully evolution in the Myjava Hill land in the second half of the last millenium in the context of the Central European area [40.00% relevance]
in the territory of the Myjava Hill Land, Slovakia revealed two periods of gullying in the course … of gullying, land use changes, climatic changes, Slovakia Gully evolution in the Myjava Hill land in the
article/item/7740.html - 13.8 kB
Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study [20.00% relevance]
zone, main growth zone, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Morphological intensification in a postsocialist
article/item/7654.html - 14.1 kB
The Landscape-ecological Plan in the Process of Rural Landscape Development Supported by SAPARD [20.00% relevance]
plan, land use, landscape-ecological proposals, Slovakia The Landscape-ecological Plan in the Process of
article/item/7735.html - 14.08 kB
The Dynamics of Recent Geomorphic Processes in the Alpine Zone of the Tatra Mountains [20.00% relevance]
boulder; alpine zone; the Tatra Mountains; Slovakia The Dynamics of Recent Geomorphic Processes in
article/item/7680.html - 14.62 kB
Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians [20.00% relevance]
, upper timberline, rate of slope retreat, Slovakia, Western Carpathians Present-day Retreat of
article/item/7683.html - 13.72 kB