Results 1 - 78 of 78 for city (0.0058 seconds)
The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd Province, Iran [100.00% relevance]
economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd … economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd … components, creative industries, creative city, small cities, Meybod, Yazd Province, Iran The … economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd
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The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen, China [71.43% relevance]
The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen, China One of the first Special … municipality is a 'globalizing' socialist city. This paper discusses the Shenzhen … Geographia … The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen, China Mee Kaming, Wing-shing Tang … 78, iss. 1, pp. 151-162 | globalizing socialist city, socialist economy, central-local relationships … The Birth and Development of a Modern Socialist City: Shenzhen, China, Mee Kaming, Wing-shing Tang,
article/item/7722.html - 14.18 kB
Social aspects of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, Georgia, 1960-1980 [71.43% relevance]
of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, Georgia, 1960-1980 Tlis … over the two decades 1960-1980, for a single city, he city … Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. 51 … of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, Georgia, 1960-1980 David M … of urban problems: inequality in the American city. The case of Atlanta, Georgia, 1960-1980, David
article/item/8159.html - 14.83 kB
The changing apartheid city at the microscale: Black migration and the peri-urban black-white interface in the Durban Functional Region, South Africa [71.43% relevance]
The changing apartheid city at the microscale: Black migration and the peri- … The racially segregated South African apartheid city is crumbling withapartheid itself. With influx … Polonica (1993) vol. 61 The changing apartheid city at the microscale: Black migration and the peri- … (1993) vol. 61, pp. 459-470 | post-apartheid city, peri-urban interface, Durban The changing … apartheid city at the microscale: Black migration and the peri-
article/item/7982.html - 14.99 kB
Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. The case of the "Neue Mitte Oberhausen" [71.43% relevance]
Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. The case of the "Neue … at a major urban redevelopment project in the city of Oberhausen,Germany, trying to establish the … ) vol. 69 Developing redevelopment: a project, a city image, a planning process. The case of the "Neue … , decision-making, politics of planning, city image, planning process Developing redevelopment … : a project, a city image, a planning process. The case of the
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Migration in response to the urban environment: out-migration by middle-class women and their families from Mexico City after 1985 [71.43% relevance]
-class women and their families from Mexico City after 1985 Based on present migration trends and … environmental factors in Mexico City, the paper combines census and survey data with … -class women and their families from Mexico City after 1985 Haydea Izazola, Catherine M. … -class families, medium-sized cities, Mexico City Migration in response to the urban environment: … -class women and their families from Mexico City after 1985, Haydea Izazola, Catherine M.
article/item/7921.html - 14.13 kB
Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study [57.14% relevance]
Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study Morphological … from the relaxed andsprawl-based growth of a city towards growth within, with a special emphasis … Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study Richard Pouš, Tomáš … Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study, Richard Pouš,
article/item/7654.html - 14.1 kB
Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing concepts and empirical findings [57.14% relevance]
Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing … This paper presents new evidence on polycentric city networks … Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, … iss. 3 Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing … cities, Central-Eastern Europe Polycentric City Networks in Central-Eastern Europe: Existing
article/item/8907.html - 14.25 kB
Evaluating and interpreting the city using a photo projective method. The example of Łódź [57.14% relevance]
Evaluating and interpreting the city using a photo projective method. The example of … vol. 86, iss. 2 Evaluating and interpreting the city using a photo projective method. The example of … , shared image, sense of place, evaluation, city, Łódź Evaluating and interpreting the city using
article/item/8119.html - 14.18 kB
Resuscitating the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors of Freedom’ in downtown Johannesburg [57.14% relevance]
the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors … two decades of attempting to redevelop the inner city of Johannesburg, it is still perceived by … the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors … the African giant: Urban regeneration and inner city redevelopment initiatives along the ‘Corridors
article/item/11706.html - 15.04 kB
Transformations of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland [57.14% relevance]
of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland The main purpose of … of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland Ewa Szafrańska … , large housing estates, post-socialist city, Łódź Transformations of large housing estates … in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland, Ewa Szafrańska,
article/item/9415.html - 13.5 kB
Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland) [57.14% relevance]
Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in … associated with the resurgence of inner-city housing has been observed in Western Europe … . 91, iss. 4 Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in … , second demographic transition, post-socialist city, spatial disparities, Kraków, Poland … Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in
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City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds. Wendelin Strubelt, Grzegorz Gorzelak. Opladen & Farmington Hill 2008 [57.14% relevance]
2008 Geographia Polonica (2008) vol. 81, iss. 2 City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds … Polonica (2008) vol. 81, iss. 2, pp. 97-99 | city, region, urban sociology, transformation, East- … Central Europe City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds
article/item/6119.html - 12.69 kB
Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb [57.14% relevance]
Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb The … Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb … . 3, pp. 341-360 | vacant commercial premises • city centre • questionnaire survey • mapping • Zagreb … Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb,
article/item/12563.html - 19.39 kB
From Migration to Segregation in the Former Closed City [57.14% relevance]
Migration to Segregation in the Former Closed City Based on the case of the military-industrial … Migration to Segregation in the Former Closed City Michael Gentile Geographia Polonica (2006) vol. … Migration to Segregation in the Former Closed City, Michael Gentile, Geographia Polonica (2006) vol
article/item/7704.html - 13.31 kB
UHI effect in the city of Padua: simulations and mitigation strategies using the Rayman and Envimet models [57.14% relevance]
UHI effect in the city of Padua: simulations and mitigation strategies … The UHI phenomenon was studied in a medium size city in the North-East of Italy and the results are … (2014) vol. 87, iss. 4 UHI effect in the city of Padua: simulations and mitigation strategies … simulations, urban heat island UHI effect in the city of Padua: simulations and mitigation strategies
article/item/9529.html - 14.21 kB
Green infrastructure as a determinant of the quality of urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study [57.14% relevance]
urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study The quality of life and the … urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study Agnieszka Szczepańska, Monika … , natural attractiveness, quality of life, city’s spatial development Green infrastructure as a … urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study, Agnieszka Szczepańska, Monika
article/item/11607.html - 14.21 kB
Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South [57.14% relevance]
Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South The economic and … could invite the expectation that the American city will have becomemore equal, in a racial … … (1993) vol. 61 Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South David M. Smith, … , inequality, race Inequality in the American City: Some evidence from the South, David M. Smith,
article/item/7980.html - 13.35 kB
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a neighbourhood perspective [57.14% relevance]
urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a … urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a … iss. 4, pp. 383-402 | urban identity, historical city, urban regeneration, neighbourhood, Gdańsk … urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a
article/item/14117.html - 15.96 kB
Impact of mitigation measures on the Urban Heat Island phenomenon within the city of Modena, Italy [42.86% relevance]
on the Urban Heat Island phenomenon within the city of Modena, Italy Urban planners are increasingly … on the Urban Heat Island phenomenon within the city of Modena, Italy Stefano Marchesi, Stefano Zauli … on the Urban Heat Island phenomenon within the city of Modena, Italy, Stefano Marchesi, Stefano
article/item/9530.html - 13.91 kB
From communism to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) [42.86% relevance]
in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) … in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) … in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians),
article/item/10882.html - 14.83 kB
Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 [42.86% relevance]
Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 Geographia Polonica (1983) vol. 45 … Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975 Janina Trepińska Geographia Polonica … 45, pp. 59-70 | Climatic fluctuations in Cracow city, 1826-1975, Janina Trepińska, Geographia
article/item/8269.html - 13.32 kB
The role of the capital city within the national settlement system [42.86% relevance]
The role of the capital city within the national settlement system Geographia … Polonica (1978) vol. 39 The role of the capital city within the national settlement system Peter … ) vol. 39, pp. 223-234 | The role of the capital city within the national settlement system, Peter
article/item/8382.html - 11.66 kB
Old housing estates in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest [42.86% relevance]
in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Housing estates were … in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Balázs Szabó Geographia … in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest, Balázs Szabó, Geographia
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ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive [42.86% relevance]
ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Geographia Polonica … ) vol. 87, iss. 3 ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Grzegorz Węcławowicz … 3, pp. 477-479 | ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive, Grzegorz
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A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of Warsaw [42.86% relevance]
A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of Warsaw Geographia Polonica ( … A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of Warsaw Peggy A. Lentz … A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of Warsaw, Peggy A. Lentz,
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Changing views of the city in Polish geographical research [42.86% relevance]
Changing views of the city in Polish geographical research Very early in … Polonica (1985) vol. 51 Changing views of the city in Polish geographical research Kazimierz … 1985) vol. 51, pp. 51-56 | Changing views of the city in Polish geographical research, Kazimierz
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Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow [42.86% relevance]
of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow In his paper the author … of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow Andrzej Zborowski Geographia … of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow, Andrzej Zborowski,
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Changing views of the city in British geographical research [42.86% relevance]
Changing views of the city in British geographical research To think back … Polonica (1985) vol. 51 Changing views of the city in British geographical research Brian T. Robson … 1985) vol. 51, pp. 37-50 | Changing views of the city in British geographical research, Brian T.
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Tax Schedules in the Ideal City: Equilibrium Versus Optimality [42.86% relevance]
Tax Schedules in the Ideal City: Equilibrium Versus Optimality Geographia … (1979) vol. 42 Tax Schedules in the Ideal City: Equilibrium Versus Optimality Emilio Casetti, … vol. 42, pp. 33-48 | Tax Schedules in the Ideal City: Equilibrium Versus Optimality, Emilio Casetti,
article/item/8322.html - 11.93 kB
Socio-spatial differentiation in Warsaw: inertia ormetamorphosis of the city structure? [42.86% relevance]
in Warsaw: inertia ormetamorphosis of the city structure? The major dimensions to socio-spatial … in Warsaw: inertia ormetamorphosis of the city structure? Maciej Smętkowski Geographia Polonica … in Warsaw: inertia ormetamorphosis of the city structure?, Maciej Smętkowski, Geographia
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The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector [42.86% relevance]
The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector This study examined … . 2 The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector Shunichiro Yamamoto … The expansion into overseas markets of Kyoto city’s traditional-crafts sector, Shunichiro Yamamoto
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A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city [42.86% relevance]
internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28 A model of … internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city Andrzej Werwicki Geographia Polonica (1974) vol … internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city, Andrzej Werwicki, Geographia Polonica (1974)
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Poverty indicators in a metropolitan city: Hyderabad [42.86% relevance]
Poverty indicators in a metropolitan city: Hyderabad Urban poverty, signified by the … ) vol. 69 Poverty indicators in a metropolitan city: Hyderabad A. Geeta Reddy Geographia Polonica ( … alleviation Poverty indicators in a metropolitan city: Hyderabad, A. Geeta Reddy, Geographia Polonica
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Accessibility of urban transport systems. The case of Poznań city [42.86% relevance]
of urban transport systems. The case of Poznań city Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 … of urban transport systems. The case of Poznań city Zbigniew Taylor Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. … of urban transport systems. The case of Poznań city, Zbigniew Taylor, Geographia Polonica (1976) vol
article/item/8511.html - 12.16 kB
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) [42.86% relevance]
on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) The paper explores … on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) Franz-josef Kemper … on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG), Franz-josef Kemper,
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Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) [42.86% relevance]
socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) The main aim of this paper is … socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) Marcin Wójcik Geographia … socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland), Marcin Wójcik, Geographia
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The effect of industry on the development of towns. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow [42.86% relevance]
of towns. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 The … of towns. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow Bronisław Kortus Geographia Polonica ( … of towns. Selected problems: the case of the city of Cracow, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia Polonica
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Spatial distribution of intra-urban commuting to work: A case study of the city of Łódź [42.86% relevance]
-urban commuting to work: A case study of the city of Łódź Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 … -urban commuting to work: A case study of the city of Łódź Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz Geographia Polonica … -urban commuting to work: A case study of the city of Łódź, Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz, Geographia
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Dual legitimation and uneven development: Welfare expenditure in the inter-war city [42.86% relevance]
: Welfare expenditure in the inter-war city Geographia Polonica (1989) vol. 56 Dual … : Welfare expenditure in the inter-war city Roger Lee Geographia Polonica (1989) vol. 56, pp … : Welfare expenditure in the inter-war city, Roger Lee, Geographia Polonica (1989) vol. 56,
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The socio-spatial structure of Radom city in 1978 [42.86% relevance]
The socio-spatial structure of Radom city in 1978 Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. 51 The … socio-spatial structure of Radom city in 1978 Grzegorz Węcławowicz Geographia Polonica … pp. 85-98 | The socio-spatial structure of Radom city in 1978, Grzegorz Węcławowicz, Geographia
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The spatial deconcentration of housing resources in Warsaw in the years 1945-2008 [28.57% relevance]
(2012) vol. 85, iss. 1, pp. 67-80 | internal city structure, housing, city life-cycles,
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Multi-criteria analysis of smart cities in Poland [28.57% relevance]
the largest Polish cities in terms of the smart city indicators, which currently form one of the most … (2020) vol. 93, iss. 2, pp. 163-181 | smart city, multi-criteria analysis, PROMETHEE method,
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Urban restructuring in East-Central Europe: selected questions [28.57% relevance]
article. Firstly, the concept of the socialist city is shown to be … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol … systems, metropolitan centres, the socialist city, East-Central Europe Urban restructuring in East
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Demolition in regeneration megaprojects: The case of Wien Hauptbahnhof [14.29% relevance]
Hauptbahnhof Regeneration of centrally located city areas has been increasingly more often
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Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992-2015 [14.29% relevance]
One of the most important factors influencing a city’s climate is the ventilation of a given urban
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Ruining, demolition and regeneration in urban space: Sketching the research problem [14.29% relevance]
Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 1, pp. 5-16 | city, urban studies, demolition, urban regeneration,
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Demographic consequences of the Bhopal disaster [14.29% relevance]
of the industrial disaster which shook the city of Bhopal during December, 1984, going into the
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Łódź Metropolitan Area: Delimitation, planning and development [14.29% relevance]
25 years, Łódź and the region surrounding the city have undergone significant transformations in
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Urban climate research in Warsaw: the results of microclimatic network measurements [14.29% relevance]
Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 4, pp. 491-504 | city climate, network of microclimatic measurements,
article/item/9527.html - 15.62 kB
Polycentric intra-urban development of hotels: Evidence from Budapest [14.29% relevance]
, iss. 4, pp. 429-442 | hotels, polycentricity, city, Budapest, evolutionary economic geography
article/item/11846.html - 14.2 kB
Spatial structure of retail trade in Warsaw [14.29% relevance]
concerning the internal structure of a city, which is viewed as a relatively isolated
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Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) [14.29% relevance]
space, stigmatization, stereotypization, Poznań city. Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study
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The social and economic interaction of urban and rural land-uses on the western perphery of Edinburgh [14.29% relevance]
tends to decrease withdistance out from the city, while … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 24 The
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Population, poverty, and pollution in Cubatäo, Säo Paulo [14.29% relevance]
of Cubatao, on the Atlantic coast 40 km from the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, became in the 1970s and
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The Vardar River as a border of semiosphere – Paradox of Skopje regeneration [14.29% relevance]
, ruining and demolishing, multicultural city The Vardar River as a border of semiosphere –
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Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the 1990s [14.29% relevance]
trends, impact of a higher school upon a city, Poland Higher education and urban system. The
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Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area [14.29% relevance]
in the Lublin Area The development of the city of Lublin has been closely associated with
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Population and employment changes in metropolitian cores [14.29% relevance]
in metropolitian cores The problems of the inner city have received much attention from geographers
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Mortality in Warsaw: is there any connection with weather and air pollution? [14.29% relevance]
any connection with weather and air pollution? City inhabitants are becoming more and more sensitive
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Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession period. Inter-firm ties and control functions: The case of Poland [14.29% relevance]
, EU-accession, inter-firm links, ownership, city networks, decision-control functions Ownership
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Spatial growth of urbanised land within the Warsaw Metropolitan Area in the first decade of the 21st century [14.29% relevance]
todetermine the impact of the distance from the city center … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss
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The role of locality and place-specific development paths in creating smart cities: The example of middle-sized Hungarian cities [14.29% relevance]
(2021) vol. 94, iss. 4, pp. 483-502 | smart city, Hungary, case study, global-local context,
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Analyzing accessibility by transport mode in Warsaw, Poland [14.29% relevance]
pre-1989 urban structure in the Polish capital city, Warsaw, was well diagnosed pre-1989,existing
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The interdependence between suburban enclaves and the road network in the development process: a case study in Poland [14.29% relevance]
transportation system. Relationships between the city and its … Geographia Polonica (2017) vol. 90,
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Does suburbanisation contribute to the rejuvenation of a metropolitan area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of recent suburbanisation [14.29% relevance]
composition, population ageing, post-socialist city, Kraków, Poland Does suburbanisation contribute
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Microscale population study: Methodological problems [14.29% relevance]
scale changes. The street, theneighbourhood, the city and … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61
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Planned segregation: Cape Town and Brasilia [14.29% relevance]
geographers and planners inurban planning and city management. We stress that those are political
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New housing investments completed in Warsaw, 2002-2012 [14.29% relevance]
) vol. 86, iss. 3, pp. 281-286 | post-socialist city, housing supply, urban growth, developers,
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Diverse and different: On the faces of social solidarity in Warsaw [14.29% relevance]
diversity, social solidarity, post-socialist city, Warsaw, Praga Północ, Ursynów Diverse and
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A new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities: The case of the Maghreb [14.29% relevance]
| guidebook analysis method, tourist-historic city, Maghreb A new guidebook analysis method for the
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Social segregation and spatial differentiation of electoral alignment in Vilnius Metropolitan Area [14.29% relevance]
, electoral differentiation, postcommunist city, residential differentiation Social segregation
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Transformations of large housing estates in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communism [14.29% relevance]
| large housing estates, CEECs, post-socialist city, collapse of communism Transformations of large
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Settlement concentration of economic potential represented by IT corporations [14.29% relevance]
headquarters of 100 leading IT corporations by city in the years 2003-2011. The research …
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Moisture and circulation conditions during heavy precipitation events in Łódź [14.29% relevance]
2011-2013 collected from 17 stations in the city of Łódź over six days with the highest six-hour
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Restructuralization, deindustrialization and unemployment in Poland. Case study of Warsaw [14.29% relevance]
influenced the development of Warsaw capital city and its region. In the present phase of the
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An attempt to apply the method of taxonomic classification of linearly ordered sets to the delimitation of zones of land use in Cracow [14.29% relevance]
to delimit the zones of land use for the city of Cracow by the method of taxonomic
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Can the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change? [14.29% relevance]
, education for sustainable development, city adaptation Can the serious game serve as a tool
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