Results 1 - 73 of 73 for region (0.0092 seconds)
Warsaw urban-rural region – an alternative development perspective? [100.00% relevance]
Warsaw urban-rural region – an alternative development perspective? In … concerning the spatial structure of the Warsaw region and its development trends. These are presented … (2013) vol. 86, iss. 2 Warsaw urban-rural region – an alternative development perspective? Ewa … ) vol. 86, iss. 2, pp. 153-166 | metropolitan region, urban-rural region, the Warsaw region, advanced … sector, territorial cohesion Warsaw urban-rural region – an alternative development perspective?, Ewa
article/item/8120.html - 13.9 kB
Urbanization Trends and Processes of Population Change in the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 1990s [71.43% relevance]
of Population Change in the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 1990s The paper presents the main … -tion processes in Ljubljana and its urban region before and after 1990. Up to the end of the … … of Population Change in the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 1990s Dejan Rebernik Geographia Polonica … urbanization phases, Ljubljana, Ljubljana urban region, Slovenia Urbanization Trends and Processes of … Population Change in the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 1990s, Dejan Rebernik, Geographia
article/item/7717.html - 14 kB
Urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead [71.43% relevance]
Urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead … capital or metropolitan areas in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) have primarily acted within the … … vol. 75, iss. 2 Urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead Tomas Hanell … development, regional integration, Baltic Sea Region Urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region:
article/item/7763.html - 13.7 kB
The Northern Ladoga region as a prospective tourist destination in the Russian-Finnish borderland: Historical, cultural, ecological and economic aspects [71.43% relevance]
The Northern Ladoga region as a prospective tourist destination in the … the transformation of the Northern Ladoga region (a natural and historicalregion in the Russian- … (2019) vol. 92, iss. 4 The Northern Ladoga region as a prospective tourist destination in the … -428 | tourism development, the Northern Ladoga region, tourist destination, Russian-Finnish borderland … and socio-economic changes The Northern Ladoga region as a prospective tourist destination in the
article/item/11845.html - 14.31 kB
Hydrological consequences of human action in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region [71.43% relevance]
of human action in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region An attempt was made to define the character and … hydrographicalchanges in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region. They have been influenced notonly by … of human action in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region Tadeusz Wilgat, Bronisław Janiec, Zdzisław … , environmental protection, Polesie Lubelskie region, Eastern Poland Hydrological consequences of … human action in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Region, Tadeusz Wilgat, Bronisław Janiec, Zdzisław
article/item/7884.html - 13.71 kB
Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic region: Towards polarisation or equalization? [57.14% relevance]
Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic region: Towards polarisation or equalization? Regional … . 4 Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic region: Towards polarisation or equalization? Gennady M … divergence, polarisation, equalization, Baltic region Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic
article/item/11577.html - 15.13 kB
Polish core and periphery under economic transformation [57.14% relevance]
Core, sub-core, periphery, semi-periphery, core region, frontier region, depressed region, … underdeveloped region, development axis, economic transformation.
article/item/7891.html - 13.49 kB
Migration and demographic change in the region of Warsaw [57.14% relevance]
Migration and demographic change in the region of Warsaw The pattern of population growth in … the region of Warsaw has beencharacterized by considerable … vol. 61 Migration and demographic change in the region of Warsaw Piotr Korcelli Geographia Polonica ( … change Migration and demographic change in the region of Warsaw, Piotr Korcelli, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/7955.html - 14.85 kB
The impact of population potential on population redistribution in the long-term historical context: Case study of region Stredné Považie, Slovak Republic [57.14% relevance]
the long-term historical context: Case study of region Stredné Považie, Slovak Republic Interaction … the long-term historical context: Case study of region Stredné Považie, Slovak Republic Michal … | population potential, spatial interactions, region Stredné Považie, accessibility, distance The … the long-term historical context: Case study of region Stredné Považie, Slovak Republic, Michal
article/item/10712.html - 14.11 kB
City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds. Wendelin Strubelt, Grzegorz Gorzelak. Opladen & Farmington Hill 2008 [57.14% relevance]
City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds. Wendelin … Polonica (2008) vol. 81, iss. 2 City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds. Wendelin … (2008) vol. 81, iss. 2, pp. 97-99 | city, region, urban sociology, transformation, East-Central … Europe City and region. Papers in honour of Jiri Musil. Eds. Wendelin
article/item/6119.html - 12.69 kB
Application of the UTCI to the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region [57.14% relevance]
the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region This paper presents the spatial differentiation … to biothermal conditions in the Ziemia Kłodzka region of Poland, the basisfor the assessment being the … the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region Paweł Milewski Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. … the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region, Paweł Milewski, Geographia Polonica (2013) vol
article/item/7728.html - 13.6 kB
Cross-border public transport between Poland and Czechia and the development of the tourism functions of the region [57.14% relevance]
the development of the tourism functions of the region Most of the Polish-Czech borderland is of great … for tourism development. In order for a tourist region to function properly, … Geographia Polonica ( … the development of the tourism functions of the region Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk Geographia Polonica ( … the development of the tourism functions of the region, Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/12500.html - 14.5 kB
The Upper-Silesian Core Region: its growth and evolution [57.14% relevance]
The Upper-Silesian Core Region: its growth and evolution The present … industrial districts of the Upper-Silesian Core Region* It is intended … Geographia Polonica (1980) vol … . 43 The Upper-Silesian Core Region: its growth and evolution Lech Pakuła Geographia … ) vol. 43, pp. 213-222 | The Upper-Silesian Core Region: its growth and evolution, Lech Pakuła,
article/item/8311.html - 12.78 kB
Regional integration and the boundary effect in the Katowice region [57.14% relevance]
and the boundary effect in the Katowice region In this paper, the historical development of the … Katowice region is outlined. The scope of the paper is to … and the boundary effect in the Katowice region Zbigniew Rykiel Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. … and the boundary effect in the Katowice region, Zbigniew Rykiel, Geographia Polonica (1985) vol
article/item/8178.html - 12.34 kB
National urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: trends and challenges [57.14% relevance]
National urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: trends and challenges The point of departure in … iss. 2 National urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: trends and challenges Piotr Korcelli, Niels … , second-layer cities, urban policy, Baltic Sea Region National urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region
article/item/3549.html - 14.42 kB
Spatial transformation of the economy in the post-communist period: The case of the Vilnius urban region [57.14% relevance]
-communist period: The case of the Vilnius urban region Economic transformation has been gaining ground … -communist period: The case of the Vilnius urban region Rūta Ubarevičienė, Donatas Burneika Geographia … , spatial transformation, Vilnius urban region, Lithuania Spatial transformation of the economy … -communist period: The case of the Vilnius urban region, Rūta Ubarevičienė, Donatas Burneika, Geographia
article/item/9931.html - 13.96 kB
Urban networking: trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region [57.14% relevance]
: trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region In this article, urban networking has been … defined as networking within an urban region as well as between such regions. The networking … : trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region Harry Schulman, Vesa Kanninen Geographia … : trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region, Harry Schulman, Vesa Kanninen, Geographia
article/item/7759.html - 13.54 kB
The economic development of older industrial areas: the case of the Northern Region of England [57.14% relevance]
older industrial areas: the case of the Northern Region of England The purpose of this paper is to … overview of economic development in the Northern Region of England. The paper draws on a variety of … older industrial areas: the case of the Northern Region of England John B. Goddard Geographia Polonica ( … older industrial areas: the case of the Northern Region of England, John B. Goddard, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8166.html - 14.55 kB
Intra-urban migration in the Warsaw urban region [57.14% relevance]
Intra-urban migration in the Warsaw urban region The author presents the study of spatial … mobility of population within theurban region of Warsaw. The analysis of spatial variations of … . 61 Intra-urban migration in the Warsaw urban region Alina Potrykowska Geographia Polonica (1993) vol … Intra-urban migration in the Warsaw urban region, Alina Potrykowska, Geographia Polonica (1993)
article/item/7969.html - 12.52 kB
The connection between the Muslim population and regional disparities of economic development in the Balkan region [57.14% relevance]
of economic development in the Balkan region The Balkan region, which is extremely … of economic development in the Balkan region Zsolt Bottlik, Ferenc Gyuris Geographia Polonica … of economic development in the Balkan region, Zsolt Bottlik, Ferenc Gyuris, Geographia
article/item/7652.html - 13.61 kB
The Warsaw urban region: Interdependences between places of work and places of residence [57.14% relevance]
The Warsaw urban region: Interdependences between places of work and … to examine the concept of the functionalurban region. In accordance with this concept, the boundaries … Polonica (1984) vol. 50 The Warsaw urban region: Interdependences between places of work and … (1984) vol. 50, pp. 25-40 | The Warsaw urban region: Interdependences between places of work and
article/item/8181.html - 13.07 kB
Trade and foreign direct investments as measures of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region [57.14% relevance]
of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region The purpose of the current article is to provide … transition and integration in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) since the early 1990s. Focal … Geographia … of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region Andreas Cornett, Folke Snickars Geographia … of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region, Andreas Cornett, Folke Snickars, Geographia
article/item/7760.html - 14.84 kB
The projection of the population number and structure in the Katowice region against current demographic trends [57.14% relevance]
population number and structure in the Katowice region against current demographic trends This paper … population number and structure in the Katowice region*. Apart from this, the question of the … … population number and structure in the Katowice region against current demographic trends Marek … population number and structure in the Katowice region against current demographic trends, Marek
article/item/8027.html - 13.03 kB
Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration [57.14% relevance]
patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration The geo- … patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration Jan Henrik … , borders, mobility, aviation, the Baltic Sea Region Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns … of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration, Jan
article/item/11208.html - 14.55 kB
The Village of Podgorje in the Slovenian Sub-Alpine Region [42.86% relevance]
Village of Podgorje in the Slovenian Sub-Alpine Region Geographia Polonica (1965) vol. 5 The Village of … Podgorje in the Slovenian Sub-Alpine Region Vladimir Klemencic Geographia Polonica (1965) … Village of Podgorje in the Slovenian Sub-Alpine Region, Vladimir Klemencic, Geographia Polonica (1965)
article/item/8999.html - 11.65 kB
A quantitative comparison between rainfall erosion capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude region [42.86% relevance]
capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude region Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 23 A … capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude region Jan De Ploey Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 23 … capacity in a tropical and a middle-latitude region, Jan De Ploey, Geographia Polonica (1972) vol.
article/item/8680.html - 11.9 kB
Variation in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan [42.86% relevance]
in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan A continuous variation of thermal … in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan Anna Beata Adamczyk Geographia Polonica … in active surface temperature in the Nara region of Japan, Anna Beata Adamczyk, Geographia
article/item/4183.html - 13.43 kB
The Malaysian region and the world typology of agriculture [42.86% relevance]
The Malaysian region and the world typology of agriculture Geographia … Polonica (1983) vol. 46 The Malaysian region and the world typology of agriculture R.d. Hill … (1983) vol. 46, pp. 21-48 | The Malaysian region and the world typology of agriculture, R.d. Hill
article/item/8249.html - 11.73 kB
The changing apartheid city at the microscale: Black migration and the peri-urban black-white interface in the Durban Functional Region, South Africa [42.86% relevance]
black-white interface in the Durban Functional Region, South Africa The racially segregated South … black-white interface in the Durban Functional Region, South Africa D. Hywel Davies Geographia … black-white interface in the Durban Functional Region, South Africa, D. Hywel Davies, Geographia
article/item/7982.html - 14.99 kB
Influence of transport lines on concentration of population and increased commuting in Warsaw region [42.86% relevance]
of population and increased commuting in Warsaw region Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Influence of … of population and increased commuting in Warsaw region Teofil Lijewski Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. … of population and increased commuting in Warsaw region, Teofil Lijewski, Geographia Polonica (1964) vol
article/item/9075.html - 12.02 kB
The crisis of rural settlement and farming in the high momtain region of continental Europe [42.86% relevance]
rural settlement and farming in the high momtain region of continental Europe Geographia Polonica (1978 … rural settlement and farming in the high momtain region of continental Europe Elisabeh Lichtenberger … rural settlement and farming in the high momtain region of continental Europe, Elisabeh Lichtenberger,
article/item/8406.html - 11.77 kB
Spatial demographic trends and patterns in the Warsaw urban region [42.86% relevance]
trends and patterns in the Warsaw urban region The basic framework of demographic processes is … trends and patterns in the Warsaw urban region Alina Potrykowska Geographia Polonica (1992) vol … trends and patterns in the Warsaw urban region, Alina Potrykowska, Geographia Polonica (1992)
article/item/8025.html - 12.7 kB
Philosophizing on the region [42.86% relevance]
Philosophizing on the region Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 … Philosophizing on the region Hendrik J. Keuning Geographia Polonica (1977) … vol. 36, pp. 123-126 | Philosophizing on the region, Hendrik J. Keuning, Geographia Polonica (1977)
article/item/8455.html - 11.54 kB
Water balance in a high-mountain region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra Mts [42.86% relevance]
Water balance in a high-mountain region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra … (1964) vol. 2 Water balance in a high-mountain region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra … , pp. 103-107 | Water balance in a high-mountain region illustrated by the example of the Western Tatra
article/item/9060.html - 11.88 kB
An appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic development and recreation [42.86% relevance]
appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic development and … appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic development and … appraisal of the natural environment of the Łódź Region for the needs of economic development and
article/item/8499.html - 12.05 kB
Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland [42.86% relevance]
processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland Geographia Polonica (1977) … processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland Adam Jelonek Geographia … processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland, Adam Jelonek, Geographia
article/item/8423.html - 11.88 kB
The ways of transition from the three-field system to modern farming as currently observed in Poland's underdeveloped region of Białystok [42.86% relevance]
as currently observed in Poland's underdeveloped region of Białystok Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 … as currently observed in Poland's underdeveloped region of Białystok Władysław Biegajło Geographia … as currently observed in Poland's underdeveloped region of Białystok, Władysław Biegajło, Geographia
article/item/9067.html - 12.11 kB
Ancient and recent (post-agricultural) forest communities as indicators of environmental conditions in north-eastern Poland (Masuria and Kurpie region) [42.86% relevance]
in north-eastern Poland (Masuria and Kurpie region) The paper analyses three forest types belonging … in north-eastern Poland (Masuria and Kurpie region) Ewa Roo-Zielińska, Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz … in north-eastern Poland (Masuria and Kurpie region), Ewa Roo-Zielińska, Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz,
article/item/10627.html - 15.65 kB
Urban Growth and the Concept of Functional Region [42.86% relevance]
Urban Growth and the Concept of Functional Region Urban growth is dependent upon the number and … . 15 Urban Growth and the Concept of Functional Region D. Michael Ray Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. … 246 | Urban Growth and the Concept of Functional Region, D. Michael Ray, Geographia Polonica (1968) vol
article/item/8800.html - 13.05 kB
Historical heraldic symbols as a marker of reproducing and transforming regional identity: The case of Ukraine [42.86% relevance]
transformation of the territorial shape of the region. The official symbols (flags and emblems) of … . 589-607 | transformation of the identity of a region, territorial shape of the region, heraldic
article/item/13149.html - 14.55 kB
Changing settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts [42.86% relevance]
settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts … settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts … settlement patterns in North-East Estonia — a region of polluted environment and political conflicts
article/item/7916.html - 13.51 kB
Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers [42.86% relevance]
Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and … . 78, iss. 1 Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and … -Branden-burg. Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and
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Urban and rural retail structures in the East Midland Region of England [42.86% relevance]
and rural retail structures in the East Midland Region of England Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 24 … and rural retail structures in the East Midland Region of England John A. Dawson Geographia Polonica ( … and rural retail structures in the East Midland Region of England, John A. Dawson, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8664.html - 11.78 kB
Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region [42.86% relevance]
and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Some problems … and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region Niewiarowski Władysław Geographia Polonica (1977 … and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region, Niewiarowski Władysław, Geographia Polonica (
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The relationships between the location of the agricultural processing industry and the agricultural produce base in the Poznań region [42.86% relevance]
and the agricultural produce base in the Poznań region The aim of the present paper is to analyse the … and the agricultural produce base in the Poznań region Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz Geographia Polonica (1985 … and the agricultural produce base in the Poznań region, Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz, Geographia Polonica (
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Problems of development of a settlement network in a region under industrialization [42.86% relevance]
of development of a settlement network in a region under industrialization Geographia Polonica ( … of development of a settlement network in a region under industrialization Antoni Zagożdżon … of development of a settlement network in a region under industrialization, Antoni Zagożdżon,
article/item/8629.html - 11.82 kB
Economic impacts in small communities in the Boston region [42.86% relevance]
impacts in small communities in the Boston region Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 Economic … impacts in small communities in the Boston region Gerald J. Karaska, Benjamin H. Stevens … impacts in small communities in the Boston region, Gerald J. Karaska, Benjamin H. Stevens,
article/item/8454.html - 11.83 kB
Biostratigraphical record of Vistulian deposits at the maximum extent of the last ice sheet in the Konin region, Poland [42.86% relevance]
extent of the last ice sheet in the Konin region, Poland In this paper new sites with Eemian and … extent of the last ice sheet in the Konin region, Poland Kazimierz Tobolski Geographia Polonica ( … extent of the last ice sheet in the Konin region, Poland, Kazimierz Tobolski, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8089.html - 12.68 kB
Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches and Goals) [28.57% relevance]
,in the last two centuries, the concept of the region has undergone profound changes. … Geographia … Polonica (2007) vol. 80, iss. 1, pp. 25-42 | region, regional geography, home country/pays,
article/item/7700.html - 13.76 kB
Delimitation and typology of functional urban regions in Poland based on commuting, 2006 [14.29% relevance]
vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 317-320 | functional urban region, daily urban system, commuting, Nystuen-Dacey
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Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999 [14.29% relevance]
concerns small towns in the highly urbanized region of Upper Silesia. The character of the towns is
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Functional polarization of Poland’s North-Eastern small towns in the light of R. Camagni’s concept of territorial competitiveness [14.29% relevance]
, territorial competitiveness, peripheral region, North-East Poland Functional polarization of
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Łódź Metropolitan Area: Delimitation, planning and development [14.29% relevance]
development In the last 25 years, Łódź and the region surrounding the city have undergone significant
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A scheme of side-processes relevant for environmental development [14.29% relevance]
planning of the rebuilding of Dresden and its region — regularities in the development of cultivated
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Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI [14.29% relevance]
Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI The region of Western Sudetes is one of the most popular
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Transborder relations between territorial units in the Polish‑German borderland [14.29% relevance]
‑operation, transborder competition, borderland region, Polish‑German borderland Transborder relations
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Geographia Polonica (2002) vol. 75, iss. 2 [14.29% relevance]
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The impact of traditional land use management on soil quality in Northeastern Himalayas (India) [14.29% relevance]
(India) In the Northeast Himalayas (NEH) region, four major conventional land-use types are
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Counterurbanization in a growing local labour market in Sweden [14.29% relevance]
out-migration from the core of a growing urban region to the hinterland. The case addressed is that of
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Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the Europe-North [14.29% relevance]
of climatic changes in the Europe-North Atlantic region some methods classical to the meteorological
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Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions [14.29% relevance]
crisis, Poland, European regions, Pomorskie region Economic resilience: The case of Poland and
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Typologies of European urban - rural regions: a review and assessment [14.29% relevance]
that refer to alternative concepts of the region and of urban–rural … Geographia Polonica (2008)
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Is the suburbanization stage always important in the transformation of large urban agglomerations? The case of the Katowice Conurbation [14.29% relevance]
, urban agglomeration, postindustrial region, urban polycentrism, Central-Eastern Europe Is
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Travel preferences of Finnish cross-border tourists: Opportunities and limitations for Russian Karelia [14.29% relevance]
Republic of Karelia, travel preferences, border region Travel preferences of Finnish cross-border
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Spatial planning for FDI in transition economies: the case of St. Petersburg [14.29% relevance]
problems relating to the investment process in a region. By evaluating this process it is possible to
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Ethnic minorities in Central-Eastern Europe [14.29% relevance]
geographical, political and ethnic reasons the region was split up into five separate … Geographia
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The landscape of abandoned villages in the Western Bieszczady: The problem of definition and classification [14.29% relevance]
Western Bieszczady mountains are an example of a region of Poland whose population suffered extremely
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Rainfall, runoff and soil erosion in the extremely humid area around Cherrapunji, India [14.29% relevance]
environment in the extremely humid Cherrapunji region (with annual rainfalls from 8 000 to 24 000 mm
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A new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities: The case of the Maghreb [14.29% relevance]
in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were … Geographia Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss.
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The annual rhythm of morphogenetic processes in Spitsbergen [14.29% relevance]
author carried out investigations in theHornsund region and along the Sorkappland shores in Spitsbergen
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Development of subaerial relief daring the Tertiary Period in the area to the North East of the Holy Cross Mountains [14.29% relevance]
boundary of the1 : 100 000 map of the Opatów region, have … Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13
article/item/8846.html - 12.97 kB
Restructuralization, deindustrialization and unemployment in Poland. Case study of Warsaw [14.29% relevance]
the development of Warsaw capital city and its region. In the present phase of the development, the …
article/item/7907.html - 13.14 kB
Systems of agriculture in Andean countries [14.29% relevance]
of agricultural systems in the Andean region, with particular consideration of the
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