Results 1 - 108 of 108 for geography (0.0740 seconds)
Will geography remain geography? Pondering the state of geography [100.00% relevance]
Will geography remain geography? Pondering the state of geography For decades, … have been witnessing a gradual disintegration of geography. The issue was first flagged at the turn of the … Geographia Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2 Will geography remain geography? Pondering the state of … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 251-265 | geography, Polish geography, disintegration, history of … geography, Poland Will geography remain geography? Pondering the state of geography, Antoni
article/item/9446.html - 13.33 kB
The Geography of crime in Poland and its interrelationship with other fields of study [53.85% relevance]
The Geography of crime in Poland and its interrelationship … of the state and accomplishments of Polish geography of crime; the theoretical and methodological … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 The Geography of crime in Poland and its interrelationship … ) vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 187-202 | state of Polish geography of crime, achievements of Polish geography of … crime, geography of crime – interrelations with other disciplines … The Geography of crime in Poland and its interrelationship
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The achievements and future potential of applied quantitative geography: A case study [46.15% relevance]
and future potential of applied quantitative geography: A case study There has been much debate about … the usefulness of human geography for public and private sector planning.In this … and future potential of applied quantitative geography: A case study Mark Birkin, Graham Clarke, Martin … . 87, iss. 2, pp. 179-202 | applied quantitative geography, spatial interaction, microsimulation, … , geodemographics, GIS, benefits of applied geography The achievements and future potential of applied … quantitative geography: A case study, Mark Birkin, Graham Clarke,
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The ontological and epistemological foundations of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research [46.15% relevance]
and epistemological foundations of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of … within the methodological discourse of geography. Specifically, the domain of tourism … … and epistemological foundations of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of … (2023) vol. 96, iss. 3, pp. 303-320 | human geography, tourism geography, ontology, epistemology, … and epistemological foundations of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of
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Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks [38.46% relevance]
Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks In the long-term development of … human geography we can observe a tendency to combine ideas from … , iss. 4 Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks Vladimir Ira, René Matlovič … (2020) vol. 93, iss. 4, pp. 525-538 | human geography, challenges, future directions, geographical … , Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A few remarks, Vladimir Ira, René Matlovič,
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Poles in the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) [38.46% relevance]
Poles in the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) The article presents the nearly … 20-year-long history of the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) – from a modest start with 5 … 2014) vol. 87, iss. 2 Poles in the International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) Marek Barwiński, Tomasz Sawicki … International Geographical Union, International Geography Olympiad, Poland Poles in the International
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Tourism Geographies: Connections with human geography and emerging responsible geographies [38.46% relevance]
Tourism Geographies: Connections with human geography and emerging responsible geographies … and well-established relationship with human geography. The purpose of this paper is thus to discuss … . 3 Tourism Geographies: Connections with human geography and emerging responsible geographies Jarkko … vol. 87, iss. 3, pp. 343-352 | tourism, tourism geography, sustainability, responsibility, academic … Tourism Geographies: Connections with human geography and emerging responsible geographies, Jarkko
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Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches and Goals) [38.46% relevance]
Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches … and Goals) Geography always relies on regional approaches, since it … Polonica (2007) vol. 80, iss. 1 Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches … ) vol. 80, iss. 1, pp. 25-42 | region, regional geography, home country/pays, territory, identity, … regional organization, symbol Regional Geography: Past and Present (A Review of Ideas, Approaches
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Changes, challenges and responsibilities in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad [38.46% relevance]
in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad Geography has never been so accessible … in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad Lex Chalmers, Kathryn Berg Geographia … , geographical education, International Geography Olympiad, Cracow, International Geographical … in geographical education: The International Geography Olympiad, Lex Chalmers, Kathryn Berg, Geographia
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Towards an international approach for geography education [38.46% relevance]
Towards an international approach for geography education ‘Geography education is indispensable … 87, iss. 2 Towards an international approach for geography education Joop Van der Schee, John Lidstone, … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 213-220 | geography education, children´s geographies, Rome … -operation Towards an international approach for geography education, Joop Van der Schee, John Lidstone,
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Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries [38.46% relevance]
Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and … the changes in labour market destinations of geography graduates in selected countries over the last 30 … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 1 Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and … . 87, iss. 1, pp. 95-112 | geographical studies, geography graduates, labour market, professional career, … workplaces, first job Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and
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The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition [38.46% relevance]
The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work … on the transition of recent university geography graduates from education to … Geographia … ) vol. 89, iss. 2 The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work … 89, iss. 2, pp. 221-236 | competences, graduate, geography, higher education, labour market, transition The … role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work
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Relations of geography with other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis [38.46% relevance]
Relations of geography with other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis … to examine the relations of physical and human geography with selected disciplines of natural and exact … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 Relations of geography with other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 203-220 | geography, bibliometric analysis, journals, citations … Relations of geography with other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis
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Recent developments in social geography [30.77% relevance]
Recent developments in social geography It may seem strange advocating the assessment of … developments in social geography, when there is a general movement within the … (1985) vol. 51 Recent developments in social geography John Eyles Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. 51, … pp. 57-64 | Recent developments in social geography, John Eyles, Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. 51
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Future geography graduates - how much their degree matters? Student expectations at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia [30.77% relevance]
Future geography graduates - how much their degree matters? … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 2 Future geography graduates - how much their degree matters? … . 2, pp. 111-122 | higher education, university, geography, professional carrier, expectations Future
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Directions of geomorphological research in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow [30.77% relevance]
research in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow In the autumn of 1953 professor M. … and Hydrography at the Institute of Geography of the PolishAcademy of Sciences in Cracow. At … research in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow Leszek Starkel Geographia Polonica ( … research in the Department of Physical Geography in Cracow, Leszek Starkel, Geographia Polonica (
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Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity [30.77% relevance]
place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity This paper … presents the evolution of research paradigms in geography related to the study of relationshipsbetween … place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity Marek Degórski … place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity, Marek Degórski,
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Toward a more 'humanistic-social' approach in Polish industrial geography [30.77% relevance]
humanistic-social' approach in Polish industrial geography A new trend is gaining momentum in socio- … economic geography, namely a tendency to treat man as a subject of … humanistic-social' approach in Polish industrial geography Bronisław Kortus Geographia Polonica (1985) vol … humanistic-social' approach in Polish industrial geography, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia Polonica (1985)
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Some comments on the relevance of multivariate analysis to geography: a methodological review [30.77% relevance]
on the relevance of multivariate analysis to geography: a methodological review Geography has … on the relevance of multivariate analysis to geography: a methodological review Derek Thompson … on the relevance of multivariate analysis to geography: a methodological review, Derek Thompson,
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Perspectives on internationalism in Geography [30.77% relevance]
Perspectives on internationalism in Geography International collaboration in science in … general continues to grow and the discipline of Geography is increasingly becoming internationalized. … . 93, iss. 4 Perspectives on internationalism in Geography Michael E. Meadows Geographia Polonica (2020) … Union Perspectives on internationalism in Geography, Michael E. Meadows, Geographia Polonica (2020)
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The place of geography in the studies on the Man and the Earth system [30.77% relevance]
The place of geography in the studies on the Man and the Earth system … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 63 The place of geography in the studies on the Man and the Earth system … vol. 63, pp. 13-20 | Man and Earth, environment, geography, ecosystem studies The place of geography in the
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Polish studies in physical geography in Mongolia 1974-1980 [30.77% relevance]
Polish studies in physical geography in Mongolia 1974-1980 The idea of studies in … physical geography in Mongolia was born in Polandearly in the … (1984) vol. 50 Polish studies in physical geography in Mongolia 1974-1980 Kazimierz Klimek … . 50, pp. 329-344 | Polish studies in physical geography in Mongolia 1974-1980, Kazimierz Klimek,
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Contemporary British human geography: a Polish view [30.77% relevance]
Contemporary British human geography: a Polish view Th; aim of this essay is to … of achievement in contemporary British human geography. It is also aimed to present the author's … (1985) vol. 51 Contemporary British human geography: a Polish view Zbigniew Taylor Geographia … ) vol. 51, pp. 9-18 | Contemporary British human geography: a Polish view, Zbigniew Taylor, Geographia
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Spatio-temporal databases as research tool in historical Geography [30.77% relevance]
databases as research tool in historical Geography The present article discusses difficulties in … databases as research tool in historical Geography Bogumił Szady Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89 … GIS, spatio-temporal databases, historical geography Spatio-temporal databases as research tool in … historical Geography, Bogumił Szady, Geographia Polonica (2016) vol.
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Population and Urban Geography in Poland [23.08% relevance]
Population and Urban Geography in Poland Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 1 … Population and Urban Geography in Poland Leszek Kosiński Geographia Polonica ( … 1964) vol. 1, pp. 79-96 | Population and Urban Geography in Poland, Leszek Kosiński, Geographia Polonica
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Some major research problems in transportation geography in Poland [23.08% relevance]
Some major research problems in transportation geography in Poland Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 … Some major research problems in transportation geography in Poland Teofil Lijewski Geographia Polonica ( … Some major research problems in transportation geography in Poland, Teofil Lijewski, Geographia Polonica
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The role of extreme events and human activity in the transformation of landscape: the physical geography context [23.08% relevance]
in the transformation of landscape: the physical geography context Geographia Polonica (2003) vol. 76, iss … in the transformation of landscape: the physical geography context Kenneth John Gregory Geographia Polonica … in the transformation of landscape: the physical geography context, Kenneth John Gregory, Geographia
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The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S. automotive sector: A review of the state of knowledge and some ideas for future research [23.08% relevance]
The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S. … Geographia Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 3 The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S. … dynamics, agglomeration economies, labour The geography of Japanese direct investment in the U.S.
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Geography in Poland: main trends and features [23.08% relevance]
and features Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 Geography in Poland: main trends and features Stanisław … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22, pp. 5-12 | Geography in Poland: main trends and features, Stanisław
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Urban geography in Poland: recent trends and advances [23.08% relevance]
Urban geography in Poland: recent trends and advances Geographia … Polonica (1969) vol. 16 Urban geography in Poland: recent trends and advances Kazimierz … Polonica (1969) vol. 16, pp. 17-26 | Urban geography in Poland: recent trends and advances, Kazimierz
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Present research trends in Polish urban geography [23.08% relevance]
Present research trends in Polish urban geography Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 22 Present … research trends in Polish urban geography Kazimierz Dziewoński Geographia Polonica (1972) … 75-84 | Present research trends in Polish urban geography, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Geographia Polonica (1972
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Typological problems in urban geography [23.08% relevance]
Typological problems in urban geography Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Typological … problems in urban geography Kazimierz Dziewoński Geographia Polonica (1964) … . 2, pp. 139-144 | Typological problems in urban geography, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Geographia Polonica (1964
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'Carrying capacity' and 'potential crop productivity' — basic concepts in cultural geography? [23.08% relevance]
crop productivity' — basic concepts in cultural geography? Geographia Polonica (1979) vol. 40 'Carrying … crop productivity' — basic concepts in cultural geography? Sofus Christiansen Geographia Polonica (1979) … crop productivity' — basic concepts in cultural geography?, Sofus Christiansen, Geographia Polonica (1979
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‘Tourism Geographies are moving out’ – A comment on the current state of Institutional Geographies of Tourism Geographies [23.08% relevance]
the sub-disciplineis met with disinterest within geography departments, at the same … Geographia Polonica ( … . 87, iss. 3, pp. 353-365 | tourism geographies, geography departments, institutional perspective, IGU, … mainstream geography ‘Tourism Geographies are moving out’ – A comment
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Emerging frontiers, challenges and changing professional avenues for geographers in the contemporary world [23.08% relevance]
for geographers in the contemporary world Geography studies the characteristics of space and place. … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 203-212 | geography, global challenges, opportunities, future earth
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The Scope and Aims of Applied Geography in Great Britain [23.08% relevance]
The Scope and Aims of Applied Geography in Great Britain Geographia Polonica (1963) vol … . 3 The Scope and Aims of Applied Geography in Great Britain Michael J. Wise Geographia … . 3, pp. 23-37 | The Scope and Aims of Applied Geography in Great Britain, Michael J. Wise, Geographia
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Applied Geography or Practical Application of Geographical Research [23.08% relevance]
Applied Geography or Practical Application of Geographical … Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 3 Applied Geography or Practical Application of Geographical … Polonica (1964) vol. 3, pp. 11-22 | Applied Geography or Practical Application of Geographical
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Grčić M., 2011, Geografia Religija, Serbia, Faculty of Geography. University of Belgrade, 500 pp [23.08% relevance]
M., 2011, Geografia Religija, Serbia, Faculty of Geography. University of Belgrade, 500 pp Geographia … M., 2011, Geografia Religija, Serbia, Faculty of Geography. University of Belgrade, 500 pp Valentin … M., 2011, Geografia Religija, Serbia, Faculty of Geography. University of Belgrade, 500 pp, Valentin
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Atlas historyczny wsi w Polsce (Historical atlas of villages in Poland, Historischer Atlas der ländlichen Siedlungen in Polen) by Haiina Szulc, 2002, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland [23.08% relevance]
in Polen) by Haiina Szulc, 2002, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of … in Polen) by Haiina Szulc, 2002, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of … in Polen) by Haiina Szulc, 2002, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of
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Main Research Problems in Polish Industrial Geography [23.08% relevance]
Main Research Problems in Polish Industrial Geography Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 1 Main Research … Problems in Polish Industrial Geography Stanisław Leszczycki, Jerzy Grzeszczak … | Main Research Problems in Polish Industrial Geography, Stanisław Leszczycki, Jerzy Grzeszczak,
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The problem of taxonomy of natural units in regional geography [23.08% relevance]
problem of taxonomy of natural units in regional geography Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 The problem of … taxonomy of natural units in regional geography Jerzy Kondracki Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. … problem of taxonomy of natural units in regional geography, Jerzy Kondracki, Geographia Polonica (1964) vol
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The geography of development [23.08% relevance]
The geography of development Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. … 43 The geography of development Marcin Rościszewski Geographia … Polonica (1980) vol. 43, pp. 289-294 | The geography of development, Marcin Rościszewski, Geographia
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The role of geography of services in the study of urban settle-ment systems [23.08% relevance]
The role of geography of services in the study of urban settle-ment … Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 The role of geography of services in the study of urban settle-ment … Polonica (1981) vol. 44, pp. 19-24 | The role of geography of services in the study of urban settle-ment
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Two generalization models in economic geography [23.08% relevance]
Two generalization models in economic geography Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Two … generalization models in economic geography Zbyszko Chojnicki Geographia Polonica (1968) vol … 251-258 | Two generalization models in economic geography, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Geographia Polonica (1968)
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Recent British contributions to the study of population geography [23.08% relevance]
British contributions to the study of population geography This paper presents a progress report on British … British contributions to the study of population geography James H. Johnson Geographia Polonica (1970) vol … British contributions to the study of population geography, James H. Johnson, Geographia Polonica (1970)
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Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography [23.08% relevance]
Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography Studies of the geomorphology of limestone … Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography David Ingle Smith Geographia Polonica (1977) vol … Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography, David Ingle Smith, Geographia Polonica (1977)
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Agricultural geography in the current work on the plan of the country's spatial organization up to 2000 [23.08% relevance]
Agricultural geography in the current work on the plan of the country's … Geographia Polonica (1989) vol. 56 Agricultural geography in the current work on the plan of the country's … (1989) vol. 56, pp. 115-120 | Agricultural geography in the current work on the plan of the country's
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Similarities and non-similarities: History, geography and politics of the boundaries of Poland and Israel [23.08% relevance]
Similarities and non-similarities: History, geography and politics of the boundaries of Poland and … . 1 Similarities and non-similarities: History, geography and politics of the boundaries of Poland and … wars Similarities and non-similarities: History, geography and politics of the boundaries of Poland and
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Some theoretical aspects of the application of mathematical models in economic geography [23.08% relevance]
application of mathematical models in economic geography Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18 Some … application of mathematical models in economic geography Zbyszko Chojnicki Geographia Polonica (1970) vol … application of mathematical models in economic geography, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Geographia Polonica (1970)
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Six centuries of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow [23.08% relevance]
Six centuries of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow … Polonica (1967) vol. 11 Six centuries of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow … (1967) vol. 11, pp. 5-28 | Six centuries of geography at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow,
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Towards a new geography of Italian industrial entrepreneurship [23.08% relevance]
Towards a new geography of Italian industrial entrepreneurship … Geographia Polonica (1989) vol. 57 Towards a new geography of Italian industrial entrepreneurship Berardo … (1989) vol. 57, pp. 39-52 | Towards a new geography of Italian industrial entrepreneurship, Berardo
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Some Problems of Transportation Geography in Poland [23.08% relevance]
Some Problems of Transportation Geography in Poland Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 1 Some … Problems of Transportation Geography in Poland Teofil Lijewski Geographia Polonica ( … 1, pp. 161-170 | Some Problems of Transportation Geography in Poland, Teofil Lijewski, Geographia Polonica
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Origin and problems of social transport geography [23.08% relevance]
Origin and problems of social transport geography Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 Origin and … problems of social transport geography Zbigniew Taylor Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. … -268 | Origin and problems of social transport geography, Zbigniew Taylor, Geographia Polonica (1980) vol
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Behavioural postulates and the construction of theory in human geography [23.08% relevance]
and the construction of theory in human geography Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18 Behavioural … and the construction of theory in human geography David V. Harvey Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. … and the construction of theory in human geography, David V. Harvey, Geographia Polonica (1970) vol
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Publication and communication in geography [23.08% relevance]
Publication and communication in geography Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18 Publication … and communication in geography Keith M. Clayton Geographia Polonica (1970) vol … 18, pp. 13-20 | Publication and communication in geography, Keith M. Clayton, Geographia Polonica (1970)
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Remarks on the range and methods of research of the geography of sea transport [23.08% relevance]
on the range and methods of research of the geography of sea transport Geographia Polonica (1972) vol … on the range and methods of research of the geography of sea transport Jerzy Zaleski Geographia … on the range and methods of research of the geography of sea transport, Jerzy Zaleski, Geographia
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Quantificational reductionism as a risk in geography instanced by the 1:2500C Geomorphological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany [23.08% relevance]
Quantificational reductionism as a risk in geography instanced by the 1:2500C Geomorphological Map of … . 58 Quantificational reductionism as a risk in geography instanced by the 1:2500C Geomorphological Map of … -55 | Quantificational reductionism as a risk in geography instanced by the 1:2500C Geomorphological Map of
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Research Problems in Polish Geography [23.08% relevance]
Research Problems in Polish Geography Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 1 Research … Problems in Polish Geography Stanisław Leszczycki Geographia Polonica (1964) … vol. 1, pp. 7-22 | Research Problems in Polish Geography, Stanisław Leszczycki, Geographia Polonica (1964
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Polish geography: Does the past have a future? An interview with Professor Leszek Starkel [23.08% relevance]
Polish geography: Does the past have a future? An interview with … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 3 Polish geography: Does the past have a future? An interview with … (2014) vol. 87, iss. 3, pp. 441-469 | Polish geography: Does the past have a future? An interview with
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Problems of Physical Geography and Physico-Geographical Regionalization of Poland [23.08% relevance]
Problems of Physical Geography and Physico-Geographical Regionalization of … Polonica (1964) vol. 1 Problems of Physical Geography and Physico-Geographical Regionalization of … (1964) vol. 1, pp. 61-78 | Problems of Physical Geography and Physico-Geographical Regionalization of
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Major research trends in the settlement geography in Poland [23.08% relevance]
Major research trends in the settlement geography in Poland Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 … Major research trends in the settlement geography in Poland Maria Kiełczewska-Zaleska Geographia … 23-30 | Major research trends in the settlement geography in Poland, Maria Kiełczewska-Zaleska, Geographia
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Random sampling techniques in social geography [23.08% relevance]
Random sampling techniques in social geography Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 18 Random … sampling techniques in social geography H. Brian Rodgers Geographia Polonica (1970) vol … . 139-156 | Random sampling techniques in social geography, H. Brian Rodgers, Geographia Polonica (1970)
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Classification and geography [23.08% relevance]
Classification and geography Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 25 … Classification and geography Philip M. Lankford, R. Keith Semple Geographia … (1973) vol. 25, pp. 7-30 | Classification and geography, Philip M. Lankford, R. Keith Semple, Geographia
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Urban Geography for the XXI century [23.08% relevance]
Urban Geography for the XXI century Geographers, and especially … in … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 69 Urban Geography for the XXI century Denise Pumain Geographia … development, urban live, urban systems Urban Geography for the XXI century, Denise Pumain, Geographia
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Changing views of the city in Polish geographical research [15.38% relevance]
a specific polarization of studies in settlement geography and in particular in urban geography has taken
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Economic control functions in Poland in 2013 [15.38% relevance]
Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 4, pp. 701-708 | geography of enterprise, corporate geography, control
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Sociogéographie médicale à micro-échelle: Méthodes d'analyse et de localisation [15.38% relevance]
methods from many social sciences, such as geography, sociology andden raphy. We are especially … … Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 345-366 | medical geography, microscale, automatic location, social areas,
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Human Activity Transforming and Designing River Landscapes: A Review Perspective [15.38% relevance]
Landscapes: A Review Perspective Where physical geography might go in the next fifty years can be … changes, landscape design, future physical geography Human Activity Transforming and Designing River
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‘John-Paul-the-Second-isation’ of cultural landscape in Poland [7.69% relevance]
-686 | cultural landscape, John Paul II, Poland, geography of religion, sacralisation ‘John-Paul-the-Second
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Spatial analysis of Lithuanian youth turnout: Results of 2016-2020 parliamentary elections [7.69% relevance]
(2023) vol. 96, iss. 2, pp. 259-278 | electoral geography, Lithuanian elections, political parties, voter
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Impact of climate change on snowpack and avalanches in Slovenia: The Soča Valley case study [7.69% relevance]
Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 1, pp. 29-51 | Geography, climate change, avalanche, maximum snow depth,
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Spatial differentiation of Polish export linkages [7.69% relevance]
diversification, areas of export concentration, geography of trade in Poland Spatial differentiation of
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Stages of spatial dispersion of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland in the first six months (4 March-20 September, 2020) [7.69% relevance]
-324 | pandemic, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, medical geography, geoepidemiology, spatial diffusion, lockdown,
article/item/12988.html - 14.97 kB
Polycentric intra-urban development of hotels: Evidence from Budapest [7.69% relevance]
, city, Budapest, evolutionary economic geography Polycentric intra-urban development of hotels:
article/item/11846.html - 14.2 kB
Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The cases of Croatia-Slavonia and Austrian Galicia (1867-1918) [7.69% relevance]
territorial autonomy, metagovernance, historical geography, Croatia-Slavonia, Habsburg Galicia, Austro-
article/item/13859.html - 15.02 kB
The contemporary situation of Polish minority in Lithuania and Lithuanian minority in Poland from the institutional perspective [7.69% relevance]
(2014) vol. 87, iss. 1, pp. 27-46 | ethnic geography, national minorities, interstate relations,
article/item/9408.html - 15.04 kB
Chosen elements of the theory on the hinterland and the foreland of sea ports relating to research on Polish ports [7.69% relevance]
, more than previously, concerned with the geography of the land adjacent to the port which forms the
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Changing views of the city in British geographical research [7.69% relevance]
-five years — just one generation — in urban geography is to enter a quite other world. When I was in
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50 years of Geographia Polonica in the light of citations [7.69% relevance]
, geographical publications, development of geography in Poland, Geographia Polonica 50 years of
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80 years after the 14th Congress of the International Geographical Union in Warsaw, 23–31 August 1934 [7.69% relevance]
2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 295-308 | history of geography, international geographical congress,
article/item/9462.html - 14.03 kB
A top-down bottom-up approach to manufacturing change. Some evidence from Łódź, Poland [7.69% relevance]
vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 7-28 | theory of industrial geography, top-down bottom-up approach, structuration-ism
article/item/7807.html - 13.63 kB
Energy exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying ground as a basis for an analysis of the functioning of the environment [7.69% relevance]
objectof interest in many branches of physical geography. So far this exchange has beenstudied in the
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Recent bioclimatological studies in Poland [7.69% relevance]
in Department of Climatology of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy
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Organizational restructuring and ownership transformation in Poland's inland shipping companies after 1990 [7.69% relevance]
inland shipping, privatization, communalization, geography of enterprises, Poland Organizational
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Specific features of regional development in Central and Eastern Europe — the inheritance of socialism [7.69% relevance]
Eastern Europe. Regional development, Economic geography. Networking economy Specific features of
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Delimitation of problem areas in Poland [7.69% relevance]
of problem areas carried out at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of PAS on behalf of the
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The national settlement system of Italy at the beginning of the 1990s [7.69% relevance]
system, urban functions, Italian towns, urban geography, devel-opment services in towns The national
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Conceptions of an urban agglomeration and a metropolitan areain Poland [7.69% relevance]
agglomeration and that of a metropolitan area in geography and physical planning as approached by Polish
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Methodological challenges of regional research on tourist traffic. A proposal for a systemic solution for the Podkarpackie Province [7.69% relevance]
Province, Poland, COVID-19 pandemic, applied geography Methodological challenges of regional research
article/item/13268.html - 15.96 kB
Historical diversity of Poland's urban network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions [7.69% relevance]
, cities and towns, clustering, historical geography, GIS, Poland Historical diversity of Poland's
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The ethnic structure of Poland in geographical research [7.69% relevance]
, ethnic structure of Poland, political geography The ethnic structure of Poland in geographical
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The regionalization of rationalization in US agricultural production [7.69% relevance]
From the very beginning of modern agricultural geography in the United States, macroscale studies of U.S
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Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 3 [7.69% relevance]
Polonica (1964) vol. 3 Problems of applied geography II : proceedings of the Anglo-Polish Seminar,
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The Phenomena, Functioning Units and Systems of Agriculture [7.69% relevance]
characterized the study of agricultural geography in the … Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. 19 The
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Contemporary demographic and economic trends in the British urban and regional system [7.69% relevance]
of what is becoming to be described as the 'new geography of Britain1. It is not long ago when researchers
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From words to action: Improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment [7.69% relevance]
. 301-317 | environmental awareness, behavioural geography, behavioural factors, drinking water,
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Can a pandemic stop or slow the Anthropocene? [7.69% relevance]
Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 4, pp. 473-492 | Geography, Anthropocene, pandemic, COVID-19, IGU,
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The concept of agency in contemporary geographic reflection. Is it a step towards the narrative of agency of place? [7.69% relevance]
The study addresses two current issues in social geography: the modern reflection on the topic of agency
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Les structures démographiques et socio-économiques de quelques villes européennes: quelques réflexions comparatives [7.69% relevance]
(1993) vol. 61, pp. 103-120 | Europe, urban geography, socio-economic patterns, intra-urban population
article/item/7956.html - 13.62 kB
Microscale population study: Methodological problems [7.69% relevance]
Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 65-72 | population geography, micro-scale, Zaragoza Microscale population
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Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation [7.69% relevance]
a growing interest in the problems of regional geography, especially in the methods employed in
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Biogeography in the early twenty-first century: A science with increasing significance to Earth’s changes and challenges [7.69% relevance]
and challenges Biogeography is, in essence, the geography of nature or more specifically, the study of the
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Semi-urbanization, with special reference to the problem of settlement complexes [7.69% relevance]
work carried out bythe Department of Social Geography at Wrocław University under the directionof
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New housing investments completed in Warsaw, 2002-2012 [7.69% relevance]
in Warsaw, 2002-2012 The map presents the geography of housing supply in Warsaw during the years
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Apports des analyses à micro-échelle dans les recherches urbaines sur la différenciation sociale de l'espace en milieu urbain [7.69% relevance]
of space in urban sphere, blocks, urban geography, urban populations Apports des analyses à micro-
article/item/7950.html - 13.34 kB
Europeanisation, westernisation or globalisation of the book market in Poland? Evidence from translation flows in Poland (1980-2022) [7.69% relevance]
132 | Sociolinguistics, geolinguistics, cultural geography, sociology of translation, translation flows,
article/item/13921.html - 15.53 kB
Proximity and social capital in the context of artisan food producers: Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation [7.69% relevance]
, development and change. The paper argues that geography and … Geographia Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 2
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The Curzon line as the eastern boundary of Poland. The origins and the political background [7.69% relevance]
, political boundary, World War II, historical geography The Curzon line as the eastern boundary of
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